Friday, June 7, 2024

Cold and miserable June continues


Without any Pacific heat, we continue to have cold and miserable weather.  The UK is worse.  We should get a nice 'heat dome' in July and August.  Those are due to stagnant air.  You can see how the SW USA is in a 'heat lock', where no breezes cross.  This is the normal state for California, but they are getting blasted by cold coming past Alaska.  

The oil companies are getting 'blasted' today, by the looney leftwingers.  They deserve it, as they could have done some physics a long time ago.  They could have used the hearings to promote the Scientific Method, instead they just act as lawyers, shooting insults.

ps.  but its all due to the Jet Stream holding back the warmth.

The Polar Vortex Fairies have gone into summer hibernation.  Only the capricious, dancing Jetty is left.

ps.  I am amazed that they continue to add amazing super-powers to the Jet Stream, which is really just a shadow effect between hot and cold zones.  But, in a fantasy world, there are no limits.

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