Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Calgary plans for a big blow-up


I just loved the ad for fireworks on top of the big announcement that they closed up.  Here is the fun of never investigating the physics mechanism of the rupture.  I have noted that this is our standard '70's concrete' problem.  They can't test the outside of the pipe elsewhere.  They can only try to test for broken rebar.  However, with a failure, that rebar is broken really quick.

So, all along the pipe, we have damage from road salt on that road.  That's 70's concrete.  One Chlorine atom gets through the outer concrete, and it hits the high-stress steel.  That expands due to rust, and further cracks the concrete.  Then it goes nuts. (exponential)

It's a good chance that there will be another 'explosion' soon, for the fireworks.  Maybe a year, and there is no warning, nor any possible testing.  Neat.  Like the Ontario bridges, they are going to have to replace that pipe.  Of course, I'm usually wrong on these things.  Let's forget this, and have an influencer party!

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