Thursday, June 13, 2024

Done for the summer

 We finally have heat for Toronto, but just don't look at that cold blob coming down.  All the global charts have shed off last year's Great Red Spot, and nooa has adopted it to stand in for El Nino.

I am done for now.  I am tired of being right.  Time for relaxation on the dock.  

Ps at the lake and warm weather. Nice. Calgary should admit a huge engineering failure. All tendons in the pipe broken. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Antarctica the same since 1937


Ha, nothing has happened since 1937.  However, the authors state that 'something could happen' just to keep the violent warmies off their backs.

And this guy goes back to 1940.  We greatly enjoy all the stories about how it is going to melt and kill us all.

Arctic air breaking up for now


Yeah, warm weather for the weekend!

What you don't want to look at, is the new bulge on top.  This is how they all start.  

The UK will get warmer if that giant plume can break through the cold.  The Arctic flow is still going.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Chasing the wild dishwasher

 As soon as a dishwasher gives me trouble, I go out to Costco and load up another.  They are impossible to repair without paying the cost of a new one.  My last one was a Chinese Fridgydare.  They always assume an old brand.  Yesterday, it blew up, shattering the valve and pouring Niagara Falls all over the kitchen and basement.  That's the trouble with the Chinese stuff, they are known to use cheap plastic.

This happened 20 years ago when house builders got the cheap toilet hoses.  They would explode and destroy a new house.  Then I bought a cheap kitchen tap and it started to explode, but I got to it on time.  Finally, we have the dishwasher.

Off to Costco to find 3 different dishwashers ready to do.  One was $300 and a no-name Chinese brand.  I was going for that, but the wife nixed it because of an ugly white front.  We got the Samsung at $800 and forgot about the Bosch at $1000.

Anyway, you need an installation kit from Homedepot, and I put in a new sharkbite tap.  The old stuff was 40 years old.  The new machine is much quieter, and has a million new options that I can only stare at.  No idea what they are.

But that's a lot of work all of a sudden, and I'm glad it's over.

The gift that keeps on giving


Brought to you by the people who gave you Climate Change

ps. the cap is military-grade black nylon.  You would need tin snips to cut it.

All the energy is in moving cold blobs


Now, the BBC has the jet stream 'pulling' down the cold blobs, but that weak boundary condition can't pull anything.  The idea is as stupid as attaching a bottle cap of different plastic.  

ps.  yeah, we're cold.  Perfect weather for changing out a dishwasher.

May well down in temperature for US


I always find this a useless plot, but they make the most of it, if it is high.  

13th warmest.  

Monday, June 10, 2024

Full channel of cold air comes down on UK


Look carefully.  This is what I expect this winter, or next, etc.  This is what happened over Asia last winter, and the one before that.  I am quite convinced that the channel is random, and it has some persistence once it starts.  

Of course, the UK has it's fine baby stories of the jet stream doing all this, and I'm glad it makes people happy.  There is hope that I can't see this happening for the whole summer.  

In Canada, we are getting the same thing, but we have the Gulf plumes to come up once in a while and give us a few days of summer.  We actually didn't start a fire this morning.  I just toughed through it.

I really think the Jet Stream should be given the person of the year award.

ps.  we should make a list of all the super powers they keep adding to jet stream.

Here's what it is in physics, and listed on wiki-p

The wind currents are mostly vertical.  There is a slight elliptical slant, but it cannot carry energy or particles from west to east.  A jet plane can sail it like an ocean surfer cutting across the wave.

The water is only going up and down, but they can cut across.  The jet stream is an effect, like the surf,  and has no super powers.  All the energy is taken from the clash of warm and cold air.

This is probably the one thing that I can never get across to people, since I have no influencer talent.

ps OMG! Catastrophic explosion of the dishwasher.  Water all over the place, it just continued to pour water in.  I had to cut off the main water, and then cut off the dishwasher.  We always start the dishwasher as we are leaving the house, but this time I was downstairs and heard the Niagara Falls.  Looks like a class action to me.

ps. whew.  All the water mopped up and I'm off to Costco tomorrow for a new one.  Just like my last dryer, I put it into the car and drive away.

ps. more fun in Europe.

Everything is cold


Although we are freezing up at the cottage, it is fun that all the clange trials are starting, just as the world temperature goes into an ice cycle freefall.  

ps.  in the UK it is cold as the media is to cold.  Why don't they just say it?

ps.  the only way it gets warm is for one of those tropical plumes to fight past the cold blobs.  They are only getting as high as Spain.  This mechanism has happened for the last few summers in other parts of the world, but that was ignored.  

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Cold blobs continue their relentless march


Ha, can't show the big files at the cottage.  

Don't lose faith in your warmies, UK.  You invented them.

ps.  the AI's are back!  They've run out of groupthink to suck up, and will break on my stuff.

ps.  Hang in there, Kitty UK

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Cottage Report -- Steel Gray Cold

 We continue the cold in June.  This was a standard prediction, since we have no heat energy in the world.  If we never get equatorial plumes, we live with this forever.  I'm glad the warmies think it is going to be warm.

I have got a battery pole saw for my birthday, or whatever.  I'm going to clear out the view.  I'm also fixing the screen doors with new screen, and paint.  For our 2 weeks of summer, we live with screen doors.

Right now, I am freezing on the deck, and will go in soon, with the fire.  

Freighter hits submarine in Lake Superior


I just *knew* there was a sub in the Great Lakes.  I don't know how many times I've dreamt of it.  Is it ours, the US, or Dr. No.  Amazing.  This giant freighter was holed because of it, and it can't be the lake monster, unless somebody made a steel hardhat for it.

ps.  the boring physics explanation is that the ship had a 'mini quake' or an internal buckle.  This would have been quite explosive, but when they take the ship out, they will not find an impact mark, and we'll never hear of it.

The cold remains strong in this one


The fantasy report has BC warm air flowing over the mountains.  Fat chance.

It's fun that all the fantasy reports have been wrong so far.  However, you would never know, because they just rewrite history.  Lots of cold air continues to dominate for Canada, and the UK.  The Northern Hemisphere is not so warm.  However, the maps show rain over Spain, and that's neat.

We have now reached the exact point where we were before the Great Red Spot, and I'm waiting for the dive below.  The tropics are diving.

We'll see where that ends up.

ps.  for Toronto, the Gulf air has run out of energy, and we have a huge cold blob taking a run at us.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Canada to ossify climate groupthink


I don't think they'll actually do this, but I am sure 'climate deniers' will be burned at the stake.  If anybody fears that you will stop their tikkytok fun, they can put you in jail.  Maybe not.

Nevertheless, this is a chill on the cold summer.  I really should go back to making new superpowers for the jet stream every time their forecast is way off the mark.  It will be more fun.

'Correct think' is the way to go!  I will stop making fun of the weather people now.  Jail is hard.

Artificial Intelligence doesn't scale


It's interesting that all this AI hype started when they finally reached a 'critical mass' and put everything and the dog into a giant language model.  Then it went 'popular' and all the influencers tried complex prompts for instant fame.

The whole thing is an influencer scam with no physics.  The physics here is the 'scaling problem'.  That means if you have a central tyrant government, or a sewer plant, or a central processor, the inputs at the edge scale as squared.  The process ability only increases linearly.

So, these things grow until they collapse.  I also like how everybody is ditching security for more fun.  We'll see in a few months when they crash against the fact of 'no more inputs'.  

Cold and miserable June continues


Without any Pacific heat, we continue to have cold and miserable weather.  The UK is worse.  We should get a nice 'heat dome' in July and August.  Those are due to stagnant air.  You can see how the SW USA is in a 'heat lock', where no breezes cross.  This is the normal state for California, but they are getting blasted by cold coming past Alaska.  

The oil companies are getting 'blasted' today, by the looney leftwingers.  They deserve it, as they could have done some physics a long time ago.  They could have used the hearings to promote the Scientific Method, instead they just act as lawyers, shooting insults.

ps.  but its all due to the Jet Stream holding back the warmth.

The Polar Vortex Fairies have gone into summer hibernation.  Only the capricious, dancing Jetty is left.

ps.  I am amazed that they continue to add amazing super-powers to the Jet Stream, which is really just a shadow effect between hot and cold zones.  But, in a fantasy world, there are no limits.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Cold blobs dominate weather


Toronto has a soggy weekend coming up.  I wanted to go to the cottage.  The UK is cold, but the Arctic blobs always stop before Spain.  They are just getting Sahara breezes.

ps so hot today.  I don't think the forecasts are worth anything.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Japan goes to the mattresses to compensate for 'tribalism'


I'm sorry, but this was a hoot.  Japan is run by old men who think all women are school-girls.  This is a good idea for them, since anime school girls have never heard of birth control.

In Canada, we will take all the Japanese women that can make it.  They have stories that will curl your toes.  If the Japan Old Men were to turn to atmospheric physics, I would forgive them....

A fine argument for droughts and climate change


This is why I don't have anything to do with influencers.  It is a very reasonable 'argument' that although there is no signal rising above the noise, for the next 100 years, we can ditch the Scientific Method, and go for 'feelings'.

Thus, despite a huge ramble on why there is no correlation, he thinks that all this fuss is peachy.

Now, when any heat wave or drought happens, they say it was twice as likely with clange.  However, that means the droughts will happen twice as often, and that is not the case.  Still, it is a perfect argument for politicians.  They used to say it was 10 times more likely, but they knew that was too much.

ps.  some people don't like to prepare for the cold.

MS increases the productivity of hackers


I've said before, that they have chosen the path of shiny new features over security.  And now, we have the latest thing.  Normally, it takes a few minutes to install a screen recorder, but now MS does it all for hackers.  No more tedious work for them!

I know lots of people who will just have to get this.  And this goes for all the top people in organizations.  Why bother to be at the top, if you can't have the latest toys?  This is pure genius for MS, because nobody cares about security.  Leak the data of a billion people?  Ho, hum, the Stupidity Defence is solid here.

Large cold blob hits UK


Not much going on right now, as we settle to summer.  I think we'll just be smashed between hot and cold blobs.

The Northern Hemisphere has thrown off the last of the Great Red Spot in the Pacific.  This warm burst has caused a lot of headlines, but they are settling down now.  


This is a reasonable article for those who don't want to go to the harsh physics.  They put the rate of temperature increase back to an insignificant level, and still make a mountain out of a mole hill.  They are getting ready for the collapse of last year's heating blob.  They'll ignore recent trends and go back to the long past trend.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Spencer peak starts to wobble

 It's still huge compared to other charts.  It is 'real' but may not mean anything.

The peak caused by the 'Great Red Spot' may be only fooling the sensors.  It isn't doing anything right now.

This is the world daily plot.  I am expecting the black curve (recent) to cut right through the red line of last year.  There still is a lot of residual heat in the ocean, but the Pacific tropical plumes are weak.  We shall see shortly, though.

ps. the tropics are still dropping rapidly, but with temporary hooks caused by the spot pulsing.  I expect it to also cut into last year's curve.

UK gets direct Arctic flow

 Cold enough, but not that cold.

I thought this would happen all winter, but we got that huge Pacific heating event.

You can see that the Northern Hemisphere is settling down, so not as warm as last year.  However, we won't hear about it.

ps.  it's funny that the warmies are trying to counteract the impression that the UK has been cold, wet and miserable.  They are using selected charts and parameters to say it was warm and wonderful.

Dog incident goes to court

 In Toronto, they have a very heavy 'dangerous dog' burden.  As such, it is understandable that the decision is appealed.  I now have to testify about the dog attack that I wrote about before.  Blah.  

Monday, June 3, 2024

Say it ain't so, Toyota


OMG, my only two rational companies are going down the influencer slippery slope.  Toyota is a trumpy criminal, and spacex is succumbing to elonitis.


Cold Arctic spills bring a rainy June

 This is exciting in that all the influencer forecasts are wrong.  However, they maintain control of all the media, so you'll never know.

We seem to be in a period of 'Influencer Collapse', which means that if you break all the laws of physics, then eventually you fly too close to the Sun.

The cold, wet air is flying over the mountains and soaking the Canadian mid-west.  This was supposed to be an area of severe drought, according to the happy people

Of course, we are also experiencing many influencer collapses:  computer security, electric cars, etc.

And the top Canadian leftwinger influencers - the Liberals, are hoping to keep up housing prices.

ps. and to make things happier:  FATHER'S DAY PRESENT!

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Another great victory for MS


Now, some will say "How do you know that every one of these hacks is MS?"  I just say that they pick the low-hanging fruit first.  This is 30 million people, barely a drop in the bucket.  And my Costco card may be around the corner, since I can't get the card to respond to being put on Google Wallet.

Of course, when everybody is special, nobody is special, and who cares about being hacked anyway?  It's still a million to one on being thinned out of the herd, and it is important not to run MS yourself, and don't answer those horrible FB things.  The nail that sticks out gets hammered (wise Japan saying that keeps them all miserable).

Nobody listens to me anyway, so do everything wrong, and you still have the odds in your favour.  My hypothesis for this is that everybody with MS is hacked already, but they can't see it.  It's just a matter of time before they do this whole 'public' thing.  What do they get out of it?  And it's like diamonds, if you flood the market, the price goes to glass.  Best to keep millions of diamonds in a huge vault.  Best to keep everybody clueless in hacking space.

Yep, these guys were probably hacked forever, and the hackers sucked out millions by selective attacks on 'unmissed' money.  Now, they are just putting out the garbage.  

ps I'm wondering why the hackers are suddenly releasing all this.  If there are too many big public hacks, there is a small risk that somebody will do something.

Rabbit Masher Invented


This is just what I need.  Darn, cute, baby rabbits are trimming my beans and cutting down my peas.  I've tried all the leftwinger stuff -- a live trap, spreading red pepper powder, the dog, and those wascillily wabbits just laugh at me.

Try this you rabbits!  Mine will customized to be steel with razor-sharp edges.  Run through that!  The dog doesn't do anything, so she'll be fine.  A little cat-sup would be good, as well.

**all satire, all the time.

ps.  sorry, I was reminded of this video.

Europe weather a huge mess for the summer


This is a huge rainy turmoil, ideal for putting out poots fires.  I can't see this getting any better, since Arctic blobs are still coming in.  Europe doesn't want tourists anyway.

ps.  and for Toronto, the Arctic blobs are still pouring down on us, fighting the Gulf plumes.  Pacific plumes are not available.

So, we'll get a summer of hot and cold.  The guard can just focus on the hot.