Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Start your Cannabis seeds

 Yeah!  With all the anxiety these days, you really need your cannabis cure.  I take an eighth teaspoon of my cannabis oil every night.  The other day I had a solid cramp in my leg and took extra to get rid of it.  It is a miracle cure if you also change your lifestyle.

Everybody with chronic inflammation has a lifestyle that keeps it going.  The cannabis stops the inflammation but can't fight against stupidity.  Inflammation is the number one thing to kill you.

If you have major anxiety about Poots lighting the bomb, then take this and 'Embrace the Flash'.

You buy your seeds, and I buy 'Hash Plant' from Crop King seeds.  Now I am soaking them in water overnight.  Then you put them on wet paper towel in a ziplock.  Wait for 1 inch roots.  Then fill a small pot with miraclegrow, poke a pencil hole in it and drop the rootlet, with the top still showing.  Put it under the lights.  When the ground thaws (one day), then plant it.  

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