Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Future of Canada and Ukraine - Part 2

 Millions of Ukrainians will come to Canada, and the future is in the prairies.  All the other immigrants hug the south border for warmth, but it won't help.  After 20 below, it's all the same.  God forbid they can go to Quebec.

Lots of technology changes will help this.  We've had our useless computer revolution, now it's materials and 3d printers.  The biggest thing will be the change from spaghetti polymers to pizza polymers.  Polymers (plastics) are made from oil chains (monomers) which are long chains of spag.  We can pour them like fresh, wet spag.  When they dry or cure, they become solid, like left-over spag in the pot you forgot about.

Now we have a new age of pizza monomers.  These have to be smeared on a plate and then stretched to bullet-proof strength.  They are thermal, and can be engineered to be photon filters.  The right photons for the plants at the right time.  They are a million times better for greenhouses.

Our new 'cranes' (hey, much shorter for typing) are rationalists, they've 'been through the wars'.  They will see the opportunities, and know how to make money in a cold desert.  Lots of water with the snow pack.  With photon filters, it will be a paradise.  Ontario will make the panels, and ship them out by the ton to the west.  Giant automatic 3d printers will erect the greenhouses.

Like I said, the money will come from drugs.  It will also be ten times more productive for food.  The demand for metals will be gone, we will live on silica and carbon, which we have plenty of.

Europe, Asia, and the US will decline, because they won't embrace drugs, and will want to stick to the old ways.  The world is driven by great forces, and not fantasy.  

ps.  I'll call us 'cans'.  Yeah! saves my fingers.

pps.  I'm sorry, but the main plan is to turn russia into a retirement home for despots, like the US.  Huge inequality.  All the russians are turned into mexicans.  Despots live large with wine, women and song.  Very low labour rates, due to starvation.  Nobody will invade because of ageing nuclear missiles where all the gold has been taken from the 1960's circuit boards.  The Great Gatsby should be so lucky.  As with the US despots, nobody will be allowed to vote.

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