Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Russia can now take all of Europe with rusty tanks

 Poots has now hit on a winning formula.  Nato has been stuck in the 1940's.  They station a few troops on the border, and if the Ruskies run over them, they press the Big Red Button.  That's been sufficient for many years of peace.  Every once in a while, the US elects a totally crazy president, and everybody cowers in fear that he will press the button just for kicks.

Now, the Russians have seized on this US thing, to advance.  "Let us kill you with rusty tanks or we'll press the button!"  

We need a different model, like those puncture strips the police use.  Advance the tanks and they'll break down.  How embarassing!

Landmines are out, because of the Princess.  We need weapons that work:

Jumping Spiders - anti-tank drones that can jump at night, and lay flat during the day.  They are run by AI and can land on tanks.  BOOM!  Solar powered.

Fiber-guided anti-tank slow missles.  Out in the war, you need to 'shoot and scoot'.  You can't hang around and wire-guide the missles in 'line of sight'.  Suicide.  This missle can spool out miles of fishing line fiber (sun degradeable for the birdies), curve the approach and hit supply lines.  Musky can come out with this one.

However, you would have to sneak these things to the front in advance.  No hope there.

ps.  we now know why Poots started the trucker blockade.  It was an experiment to starve out a city, with horns to substitute for random shelling.  Get everybody to leave, and time it.

pps.  I got a letter in the mail -- Dear Sir, please don't pick on the starving Canadian media.  Just because they could be bought with a song, doesn't mean they actually were.  There's no debateable proof.    He is perfectly legally correct.

more:  the Canadian show missles can be called 'Blackflies', because nobody survives that.  The jumping spiders can be called a weird Australian name like Kookybaloo.  

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