Friday, March 4, 2022

Russia in Ukraine - starving as usual

 The russ soldier is always on the verge of starvation or freezing to death.  Now,we find, they can't supply the supply convoy.

I've read a lot on the missiles being sent.  They should have had 10,000 of them in secret containers when the ruskies were building up.  Nope.

The anti-tank missile is a Javelin, and you can lob it at the tanks and run away, shoot and scoot.  It's very light, but I think it's only good for moving equipment.  Anybody intelligent would put out decoys if they dug in the tanks.

The air missile is the improved Stinger of Afgan fame.  Again, everybody has decoys for these.  They are claiming 100% success rate for these, but who knows?  I think mud is more effective.

We know lots of Canadians going to the front, but I don't think they can make it.  Mud just gets worse and worse.  They have to walk in, but can only take one missile per person, plus everything else.  Mud can close footpaths.  I think this whole thing will last as long as covid.

ps.  all our old kids hockey bags are been conscripted to ship body armor.  

pps.  we had lots of experience with mud when I was drilling for earthquakes at the old company.  We sunk whole trucks.  The only thing useful were wide-track Nodwells.  The mud has a bearing strength of 100 lbs per sq ft.  Standard truck pressures are 2000 lb.  As you churn the mud, it goes down to zero.  This is fine geotechnical engineering, which requires some physics.  Ha!  The best test was simply walking and stomping your heel to estimate bearing strength.

more:  germany is now sending in truckloads of stuff to the border, but the mud is there.  I don't think we should use the word 'hypocrites' for Canada and Germany.  Just use the word 'human'.  :)

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