Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Russian despots to create Mar-a-Letsgo

 The US is the model for the Russians.  The US has created a regime where billionaire despots create their own laws and can be left alone.  They can do anything, but they need to buy voters.  It's much cheaper if they get rid of a lot of votes.

Eppyman was the tip of an iceberg, and he was expendable.  Just pay for a suicide, no sweat.  He knew what he had to do.  There are a million more of him around.

Since all the despots are white males, they go for white male supremacy.  The key is to trickled down a few benefits to keep your supporters happy.  Everybody wants to join the club.  The truckers love you.

The US does it through political bribery, but the Russians are made of sterner stuff.  They want the same thing:  wine, women and song, and nobody bothering them with taxes or arrests.  No despot can just give up power and go fishing.  People will be after him.  All the poor schnooks, like Koreans, get literally axed.

So, how do you create a US paradise?  You don't have drugs to totally destroy neighbouring countries.  That gives you cheap labour.  No, you have to take a firmer hand.  The best thing is to destroy the economy and make sure everybody is in the same pickle.  Nobody looks at despots, but they look at their neighbour.  

Fine then, let the party begin!  You can invite idle princies, and US billionaire despots once everything settles.  They would have good ideas for depravity.

ps.  I've been told by the women that I am callous and cruel, with no tact.  Fine.  Everything is unicorns, and Ukraine has been hit by cruel insanity.  I'm outta here.

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