Thursday, March 10, 2022

Endgame in sight for Poots Gambit

 I just do physics here, which is the study of major forces.  You have to balance all the forces, and look at the residual.  Right now, it looks like Russia may declare victory in Ukraine and go home, just like the US in Vietnam.

Poots only has a small window before the world decides it can live without Russian oil and natgas.  He has managed to get Germany shaking its head.  That was his strongest card.  The Grand Stupidity continues with the warmies saying $200 oil is great for windmills and lithium cars, and this will push things to $400 oil.

The phillies now want to become totally dependent on China.  Nobody learns a thing.  Poots has to move before these guys lose all credibility, he depends on them.  As well, we might have 10,000 fully-equipped Canadians marching on him.  Who needs Nato and their useless jets?  

I see Z. giving up on his nato dreams, they are useless.  Canadians, drones and missiles are better.  He throws Poots this fish, and they go home.  That leaves a big mess to clean up.  The rest of the world can agree to buy Russian oil again, but they will plan to get off it.  US fracking can increase, perhaps with a ratcheting tax on Russian oil, for compensation.  

For the next 20 years, Ukraine can pretend to be as poor as Russians, as they reconstruct. 

ps. my buddy over at Electroverse has twigged me that Ukraine is going to hit 20 below C.  The Russians can't start their tanks with no fuel, and infrared missiles, and no food.  This will be devastating.

Big cold blob hitting.  

Much colder than the one hitting Toronto.

ps.  good news this morning.  The russians have reduced their demands to just stealing real estate, and the useless nato thing.  That can be countered with a lease agreement, and payment.  As well, the ruskies are suddenly worried about war crimes and have started their usual stuff.  They didn't kill babies, they just responded to a threat.  They never cared about that before, because they were going to nuke the world.  This is movement, responding to forces.

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