Monday, March 7, 2022

Messy clipper coming down


We have a big cold mass of air coming, shoved by a Pacific plume that is staying messy.  That means a lot of moisture in it.  Normally, a winter clipper is staying on one side of the line with the moisture, and dragging down clear, cold air.

Lots of cold air, and this might knock natgas over the top.  I still have no idea how long the US natgas storage can hold out.  We'll all find out together.  Once that's gone, they be sucking down expensive Canadian natgas, and we get lots of money.  Yeah!

Over in Europe, the dam has broke, and they are getting the Arctic cold air.  All winter, there has been warm water in the gap over Norway, and that's gone now.  You can see that on the above map.  Even my buddy in northern Spain has to put an extra log on the fire.

The UK, like everywhere, uses fantasy terms in the weather broadcasts, because 'That's Entertainment'.  Their degree-days must be huge by now.  

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