Friday, March 4, 2022

Canadian hospital hacked


If you read this, you will realize that every single Canadian company is exactly the same.  They all rely on an eggshell protection (firewall).  Most of the effort is on stopping employees from playing games.

All hospitals are the same as this one.  I'm just thinking that it was only noticed because of a collision of two hacker groups.  One group tried to get money from data.  Ha!  No money for them.  If it were just one hacker then they would fight off the others, and just 'claim' the hospital.  There's no money here.

Those who just pay off the hackers, just get them coming back.  

I like this article.  I tried for years to get organizations to up the security.  It's a totally political thing.  MS schmoozes the top, and that's what you get.  It's all group-think, and none of the people who put in this crap are accountable, because everybody is doing it.  The top is all the drunk old-boys club.  Even now, tons of this stuff is being put in.

The fact that it's so bad that you are getting collisions is hilarious.  Next, it will be triplets.

ps.  I'm pretty sure that all your records are out there.  They have to cut someone out of the herd, and use it for a scam.  However, that coin becomes tarnished quickly.  Never talk to strangers on the phone, no matter what.  I never do.  Nothing good comes from the phone, or stupid texts, or FB.

pps -- although they have all the data, it is a mess.  Hospitals don't know how to deal with it.  That's the burglar protection of a messy house.  Relax.  You won't get a tailored scam message -- Dear Sir or Madam, we noticed you had a wart removed in 1982.  That proves we are legit, and send us all your money.  

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