Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Ocean current report for March 6, 2022

 The big shift is in the North Atlantic, and that's going to freeze Europe, or ensure a long, soggy Spring, which turns Ruskie tanks into garden rototillers.

The Atlantic belt has a hilarious mid-ocean shift.  Who knows what that means.

And finally, the Pacific is showing perfect coherence of cold water.  Very cold water means a worried noaa, who wonders how they can fudge the results this month.  The odds of having two months totally flat is ten million to one.

This flow should be pumping heat, but it isn't

That's the anomaly, and this is the world ocean temps.

The water in the north is now as cold as a spit in Spitsbergen.  

Am I'm throwing in the morning daily to save paper.

The Pacific plume is throwing down cold air, but not the 50 below stuff.

That's all hanging around.  We need strong westerly plumes to call it a day for Winter.

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