Monday, February 26, 2018

UK Weather is the Best

Sorry, I just can't help it with these headlines.

Why am I hopeless when it comes to the UK?  It's because the whole 'vicious social physics' thing started at Leeds, in the 90's, when there was just email.

Of course, it was the Goring, who made the big bucks.  But the British attack dogs stayed in the game.  Any scientist who raised objections was ruthlessly attacked, and a FB scream for their heads.  At the very least, they got their funding cut.  Every university hopped on the bandwagon because the PR departments were in charge.

Then there was the 97% of former English Majors who went into climate science.  It was a good living, as long as they kept up the vicious attacks.  Luckily, this is all in the archives for when somebody wants to do a history.  Won't be me, too much like work.

Now, we just enjoy the cold, and we happy about many things:

Maple syrup - a very long season

No fire ants - all our 'warm' encroachments have to go back

Permafrost - all back now

Polar Bears - lots of ice once these weird wind reversals stop

No carbon tax - the Fed excise on gas is enough, and nobody burns coal

No stupid lithium cars for Canada - methanol fuel cells please

Of course, if we are tipping over into a Mini Ice Age, then there are many more fun things.

ps.  a wonderful picture of London from the Guardian.

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