Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Britain Sinks into an Ice Age


This is not 'The Major Ice Advance', which won't happen for a few thousand years yet.  It has to wait for all the residual isostatic rebound to be complete.  This is just another Mini (or Little) Ice Age, which is just as bad but without the walls of ice coming down.

For some reason, these articles are popular, so to recap:

There has never been any physics for the English Major Social Physics assertions of man-made warming or, even, ozone holes.  Just a lot of nastiness under the bridge.  Everything is controlled by ocean currents, which are a chaotic mess.

The latest ocean temperatures are surprising.  I was expecting the northern areas to start warming up again, but instead they are getting colder.

I follow this avidly, and the Gulf Stream warming has been almost completely wiped out.

The Arctic has gone back to normal, since Britain is now getting the 'warm air' passing over Siberia that was going to the North Pole.

Everything at -30. 

Whether this is 20 years or 100, depends on what the ocean currents are going to do.  Don't forget, that what goes for Britain goes double for Canada.  My best estimate is that both major 'conveyor belts' are going still for 100 years or so, as they build up heat again.

The optimist thinks that they will turn on again in 20 years, and then we can complain about the heat roasting us.

ps.  Note the big low in the Arctic as another beautiful Tight Arctic Vortex starts up again (as opposed to the Loose Arctic Vortex, which is always blamed for cold weather.  :)

pps.  UK alerts upgraded to 'red'

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