Thursday, October 27, 2022

Toronto heating degree days

 This is something that hits our pockets, although with natgas doubling in price, it may be irrelevant.  The extent and 'coldness' of a winter can be defined by degree days.

This is an interesting chart.  You can't count the last one, because the year isn't over.  Expect it to go up.  However, 2021 is high.  If I actually cared I would magnify the tiny percent difference because that makes good lip-flapping.  Always choose and modify your charts, if you want to make money.

We will start rising up to the 70's.  Neat.

ps.  cooling degree days

Ha, our air conditioning bills are going down, despite all the lip flapping about 'summer from hell'.  They just pump up that story by selecting stories.  A great job.

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