Thursday, October 20, 2022

Australia rain goes back to 1993


In the good old days, when I had half a brain, I looked up the records for Australia and South Africa during the last minor ice cycle in the 70-90's.  As I have said, the world goes through ice cycles at about 20 and 300 years.  I have constantly tried to find a mechanism, but modern sat data is only from 1980.

My first hypothesis was that the heat flow switched from the North to the South hemispheres.  That was a good effort because the total Solar Flux (heat energy) coming in should be the same.  But, the results of this study shattered my hypothesis.  Australia should be proud to utterly destroy it by being cold and soggy during that cycle.  

Unlike the Popular Tomato Lynch Mob, I could take a failed hypothesis and bounce back, because I didn't have any money on it, and nobody reads me.  Heavens forbid that nooa and noosa gave the admission 'My Bad!'.  They would be out on the streets.  

I had to change my hypothesis to 'Heat Engines', which are pockets along the equatorial belt that act as a huge solar lens, pumping down the heat.  Unfortunately, this hypothesis cannot be tested and destroyed, because, right now, there are no heat engines operating in the world.  And nobody will do the necessary physics measurements anyway.  Einstein said 'If you can't measure it, it doesn't exist.'  That was the cold, cruel, Scientific Method.  Now the PP's say 'If we make it up, it exists'.  

However, if we start dipping into a cold cycle, we have no idea if it is long or short.  Australia was a lovely rain forest before the first white guys showed up and burned a lump of coal.  Now, it will go back to that.  Their tourist brochures will say 'Come to Australia and watch mould grow on your nose.'

ps.  speaking of old days, we just went to the fancy mall and we haven't been in years.  Used to go all the time.  That was are fastest walk-through ever!  Everything is so fancy and several times more than we would pay.  Wow, I'm so detached from the world.

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