Friday, October 14, 2022

Australia gets the soggy end of the ice cycle


During the 70's cold cycle, Australia and South Africa got a lot of rain.  We have no idea what happened during the Little Ice Age.  Since it is now ridiculous to call the Cold Pacific endless La Nina cycles, we need a new name.

The world ocean temperatures have started their big dive, which was temporarily delayed by our 2 hurricanes.  I use this chart because it is once removed from world temperatures, and does not conflict with popular opinion.

Each old line it crosses is another year backwards.  I expect it to dive a few more years, but ocean water has specific heat (like 'heat momentum') and it can't drop too fast.

Europe is starting a really big 'cold lunge' or air glacier.

That's going to sting!  Our NA lunge should hit nasa soon.

This will be the year when we see ice on the oranges.  I hope their sprinklers are sufficient.  

I've gone through the charts since 1981 and no La Nina has looked like this.  As I've said, this is an M9 La Nina, and all the rest were just M3's.  We won't hold our breaths to see if nooa starts rating them by energy.  :)

Again, there is no conflict here with the Popular People.  They will simply change their theories on the fly.  That used to be called a bad thing, but the modern world sucks it up like a sponge.

ps.  I've changed my approach so that I never conflict with the Influencers and lynch mobs.

pps.  there is now a trend to call everything 'clange', including ice ages.  And, as usual, this will be back-dated by rewriting history, and saying they've always called the cold.  

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