Tuesday, October 11, 2022

State of World Heat Flow - Oct 11, 2022

 This introduces my new go-to chart that can't be mucked with.

This is the world sea surface temperature chart over the years.  The sst is much more stable that the whole world temps because continental areas can have super heat waves in the summer, due to direct overhead sun, and no ocean breezes.  This gets a lot of headlines.

The reason I'm showing this chart is that there is a double seasonal signal in it, combining both north and south hemispheres.  This should not be happening, and requires more physics, rather than a shrug.  I just put it up because it shows the effect of the two hurricanes, and has hooked the 2022 curve at the end.

The northern winter 6 month forecast is horrible and already Europeans are burning horse dung.  I'm not touching that, but the big story is the pattern of M9 La Ninas, as opposed to the usual M3's.  I'm putting a phoney magnitude on these because they should have it.  Anyway the great amount of heat energy pumped up by the hurricanes won't bother the forecast.

ps - looking at my viewing numbers, writing the blog is equivalent to not writing....

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