Sunday, August 7, 2022

End of heatwave

 And most likely the end of the hot portion of 70's summer.  

This time it's for real, according to the weather people.  It's a huge cold blob, which is really a cold air glacier, but the 'cold' is mid-twenties and cool nights.  A nice summer of my youth, when August was cool.

Our brutal two-day heatwave didn't even make the warmie press.  Perhaps we should have added a forest fire, but this is Toronto.  Europe is getting cleared out, too, but a lot of resistance near the Mediterranean.

The current count for heavy heatwaves stands at zero.  Who cares about Northern Siberia, or southern Italy?  We are at the end of warmie heaven, and are proceeding to a brutal winter.  Since their electric cars don't work in the winter, they can't get to their autocratic state funded offices, and we'll have some peace and quiet.  The autocratic states will attract sport stars with big money and then put them in jail.  Or perhaps warmies will glue themselves to more artwork, where it is inside and warm.

Germany will shut off all their nuclear plants and burn coal to stay warm.  Canada can't send them lng, because our china-funded left will block the new plants on the east coast.  It's a wonderful time.

ps. and we are going to have a demonstration of when cold air hits hot, moist air.  Remember that the warmies say storms are increasing because warm air holds more moisture.  They forget about the cold.

pps.  and I'm tired of using the word 'warmies'.  From now on I'll use 'ticks'.  So, it's not that we are being fed a load of pap, but that the ticks believe it all.  :)

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