Friday, August 26, 2022

Arctic ice volume is a hockey stick

 My other ice volume site has been killed, so I'm stuck with this greta-approved graph.  They adjusted it down vertically when it was showing too high.  Can't be declared a 'denier site'.  However, they can't adjust the curves.

This is forming a downward hockey stick, with the inflection being more severe and earlier than anything before.  In the winter all the islands will be surrounded by ice, and this is a signal of the Little Ice Age.  With physics, all my hypotheses are proving to be true, and all the fantasy is proving to be false.

However, nobody cares or follows predictions.  The farmer book is never tested.  The old warmie extrapolations are never revisited.  If something different happens, they just make up something new.  Now, it will be all 'extreme weather' which they said they predicted in some alternate universe.

For extreme weather, they will balance one short heat wave against a long cold winter.  It's all the same.  All the 'neutral' charts will be gone soon.  We'll all live in happy ignorance.  Anybody who raises a question will be viciously attacked by people who look good on tv.  

ps.  I'm not questioning the popular people.  The guard recently had an article about one ski resort in NZ with no snow, while the whole So Hemi has been very cold.  The power of the popular people is amazing!

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