I'm quite glad to read
this. The old concrete covering of the reactor has been weathering badly, and stuff has been leaking out. Now, they are going to build a giant steel weather shield, and start chipping the stuff out. Geologically speaking, I'm interested is how they will dispose of the stuff. Personally, since that area is one giant exclusion zone, I think a clay-lined pit, with an eventual weather cap would be sufficient.
If everybody worries about a giant nuclear-bio war, and everything going to ratshit, then these new international radiation warning signs should do the trick.

Honestly, have you ever seen anything so stupid?
Suggested interpretation: if proverbial hits the fan, flee! Do not stop to collect, or attempt to carry, and bits and pieces of skeleton you may have in your possesion.
Alternate explanation: look out! pirates with spinning blades of death!
When this came out last year, we had great fun at the office thinking of alternative meanings...
You should start a competition. I might do it myself, looks like the perfect Friday blog material.
You can do it. We liked 'Radiation helps you to fun faster from scary things.'
Chris was close the first time:
The fan has been turned on. Leave the ossuary immediately.
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