Thursday, September 6, 2007

AECL clutches at straws

Never eat left-over frozen stovetop stuffing! AECL employees can have their revenge, knowing I'm sick as a dog, all alone at the cottage. Even the dog has abandoned me! Anyway I'm glad AECL has a glimmer of hope. My previous artcles have been cold and cruel, and if I die, I hope all those old, dead famous AECL guys forgive me. If not, well, I'm back!!


Monado said...

I hope you're feeling better soon. I almost never get food poisoning, but I was sicker than a dog after I babysat for some people who told me there was some stew on the back of the stove...

Drink lots of water--it can't hurt.

Harold Asmis said...

It's funny, I left for the cottage in the morning, and got sick in the evening, and the next day. The wife and daughter also got sick and they blamed their food! This tells me it's virus taken home by Darling Daughter on her first day of school! Wouldn't be surprised if the whole school got hit by it.