The hypothesis is that the Arctic is a huge air-glacial pond of very cold air. By some unmeasured mechanism, the warm tropical plume air glides over the Arctic and settles as virtually a cold soup. This builds up. The pond is confined by topography, and can only spill out in a few places.
It is doing that now, with the spillways through the Bering and Greenland gaps. All the gaps can be sealed at some time by warm air flowing up, and this is currently happening for the Canada gap.
The Greenland gap becomes much more 'greasier' when it freezes. All the gaps can become semi-permanent spillways when they freeze, due to the mechanics of cold air flow (unmeasured). You can see that happening by Greenland.
This is a fine 'doomer' scenario that I have been working on for years, and has never happened for many reasons. The opening act is in play now.
Without physics, the best the warmies can do is to ignore it, and desperately look for warm places. If the gap freezes, then it is 'Little Ice Age' for Europe. The windmills will freeze up, and then fall down. Solar cells will have 2 inches of ice.
It's snow that is the PITA for solar panels. I used to have them on a wall so I could brush the stuff off, but my permit (and gf) wanted them in the roof which makes everything "interesting" come xmas time.
And up from the roof there came such a clatter, it was the damn solar cells that were the matter.
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