Monday, August 28, 2023

Weather forecast for one month

 These are the best charts for the 1 month forecast.  All our wet weather comes from the ocean plumes.  Cold air comes from the Arctic.

This has been the pattern for August, very cool for Toronto.  The new development is the Pacific plume penetrating through Alaska, but that is also cool.  This pattern is strong, and will be in effect for a month.  So, we are continuing to get cold Arctic blobs, hitting the Atlantic warm air.

Europe is exactly the same.  It is expected that the cold blobs will get stronger, and be more extensive.

A six-month forecast involves ocean currents.  All these signs point to a very harsh winter, since oceanic heat energy levels are low.

ps.  my AI blood-sucking with this blog has reached to over 10K a day!  With no sign of any humans.  

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