Thursday, August 3, 2023

Small zone of coherent flow in the East Pacific


This is a here-today-gone patch of coherent flow.  It could be responsible for the Spencer spikes, but the sea levels seem to indicate that it is gone already.  I don't know how these things heat the world, it must those tiny cyclones.  One of life's great mysteries, forever to be unmeasured.  That flow is pulling up the deep ocean water, and shrinking the Phoney El Nino.  

ps.  to clarify

The anomaly on the phoney map is shrinking, due to the pull of cold water.

The actual swimming temperature is getting colder than ever.  Mr. Winter tends to pay more attention to this measurement.

pps on the mimic, we have 'dragon heads' in the east Pacific.  One of my many hypotheses would state that the vortex can pump up dry air (rained out), and warm the earth without obvious low plumes.  No hypothesis can get anywhere if there is a boycott on physics.

more:  this is the chart of the temps at the top of our atmosphere, the maximum height where we can expect heat to travel.  Above that, it's near-vacuum.  

You can see something weird is going on, and this is the first time I've looked at this chart.  There is a rise, but starting from a very low point, so that the influencers will never use this chart.  So, it 'confirms' that heat is transferred from coherent flow.  Not really, but it's a good hypothesis.

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