Tuesday, August 1, 2023

August weather at the first of August


My recall of the pre-2000 weather was that August was warm in the first 2 weeks, and then cool like this.  

Everywhere, it's cool.  Still, lots of articles about how hot it is in the US southwest.  But it's always hot there in the summer.  Looks average to me.  And Europe is finally clear of any heat.  

And we are continuing to monitor 'The Great Turtling" of the Phoney El Nino.

This is funny, because we just found a small snapping turtle in our backyard, way out of their element.  Kept trying to snap me, but we have in a basket and gave it some lettuce.  I'm going to contact the Toronto Turtle Task Tattler, to see what to do.

ps.  yeah, Google Lens to the rescue!  Very common Eastern Painted Turtle, so I just took it down to the river.  Rabbits take two days to come back, and this should take a couple of years.  :)  But, the neighbour is overrun with them.  Must be our heavy rain.


Neil T said...

Currently sweating my bollocks off here in Spain, but it's due to cool down to about 31c from tomorrow. Still no rain though. Ooh ooh ooh my rain alarm app has just gone off!!! .

Harold Asmis said...

Run! It's raining!