Friday, August 4, 2023

Everything on track for the 'Freeze of the Century'

 Looks like a squib El Nino has no impact on the media or the people pushing it.  They just ignore the no-show  That was one prediction of mine that I thought would be a nail in the coffin, but it is shrugged off.

The next is the giant freeze.  As nobody in the media knows, last winter was marked by a huge Arctic spill through Siberia.  That hit the Pacific Ocean and caused endless storms to hit California.  There were only a few grumbles on how this wasn't forecast.  Ha!

The spill was moved 'out of sight' by the Gulf Stream having a little spurt and warming up the Greenland Gap.

Not this year, the gate is wide open.  

You can see that last year had lots of ice, and then plunged dramatically as the warm water flowed in.  This year it is starting the cut early, and should follow the average lines.  That will be the first sign of cold.  The other sign was the miserable summer for the UK, which nobody mentions.  All caused by Arctic blobs coming down.  Same for Toronto.  Right now, they have no teeth, but just wait a month.

So, we are going to have the type of winter we had in the mid-80's.  Toronto should hit -30C for weeks at a time.  The fantasy forecast is for a mild winter.

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