Wednesday, September 1, 2021

US states can now go totally ridiculous


In the old days, the US fed lefties could force uniform rationality on all the states.  Thanks to the fact that all the judges conveniently died when trumpy took over, that's all gone.  There is no longer a hammer on the states.

I'm all for that, since I watched Hamilton and know all about the revolution.  :)  The concept was that the states were individual countries with their own copycat Capitols.  The most important thing is that individuals have freedom of movement and can vote with their feet.

So Texas will go nuts:  Make all women sex slaves, eliminate all voting by blacks, force all white people to carry loaded assault rifles with no safety.  These are things that define Texas.

No Canadian will ever want to visit the place.  Boycott anything from muskie.  Anybody with a double-digit IQ should move out.  Texas can become an economic wasteland like South Carolina.  If Texas did some atmospheric physics, then I would forgive them, but all their universities could become empty soon.  They can specialize in Creation Science, or Climate Change.

ps.  the main problem is that a lot of states can shock the Taliban.  When Loosiana decided to drown all the black workers, the survivors all moved to Houston.  The future options are limited.

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