Thursday, July 1, 2021

How the dinosaur-meteor myth was foisted on us

 This myth has been busted.  The dinos died of a cold.  The following explanation is exactly the same as the Chariot of the Gods scam and will be the same when people realise 'Climate Change', is a bust.

This myth was busted because there are people who aren't afraid, and nobody really cares about it any more.  So, 20 or 30 years ago, a guy found a layer of iridium at the Cretaceous boundary.  Not being content to leave it alone, he went out and preached.  They specifically looked for it all over the place, and found it all over the place.  Naturally, they just confined their search to the specific layer.  In other words, they found what they were looking for.

This went on and on, and soon we had cartoons of the dinos looking at the meteor that was to kill them.  They were happy, happy until they got zapped.  

This was against physics because over the 100 million years of dino-rule, there were many meteor strikes. They found one near the proper time, and went full-hog.  The problem was that resolution of everything was plus/minus 10 million years, which is a long time.  They slid everything around so it all happened at exactly the same time.  Then we had the animated movie.

We had years of how the one meteor hole was 'unprecedented', and different from all the rest.  This was philosophical bullshit.  I fought this garbage for years, but I enjoy the fact that nobody listens to me, or otherwise the dino-fanatics would attack.

So, now we know that they were dying off for 10 million years.  As the resolution increases we will find that all the 'facts' were nowhere near each other.

I can't wait to do the history of 'climate change'.  :)  But for now I acknowledge that it is religious fact.

 I told you the warmies would go to town in the summer.  We get this doomer headline from the guard.

Woooo, nowhere is safe, but wait!

Everywhere else in the world it's cold.  Neat.

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