Friday, June 11, 2021

Alberta goes to the deep end


I was always hoping that the alberts would embrace the Scientific Method, and go with hard physics.  A mere million could deal with the false concept of greenhouse gases.  Then they could merrily sell their oil and gas by pushing methanol fuel.  

But no.  They were consumed by conspiracies, and now have taken the plunge into la-la land.  Sad.

ps.  the schemes have no physics.  It's just something to get money out of the feds, who don't do physics.  That's the thing about all the warmie schemes, they lack physics, because, to throw in physics is the end of everything.  :)


Anonymous said...

GIVEN THAT YOU CANNOT DIVERT EVANGELICAL fanaticism using scientific rationality DIVERTING half their funding is positively brilliant. Lets go for 100 %

Harold Asmis said...

Yes, instead of worrying about shipping natgas, they can ship hydrogen at ten times the danger.