Monday, June 28, 2021

LInux - The fun of Zoneminder


Zoneminder has allowed me to get a very cheap no-name starlight camera and use it as a monitor.  I have it on continuous record with a flush for events more than one day old.  It labels each video section with a 'score' on how much action there is.  It's great for seeing raccoons at 2 am.  

On Linux, it has gone merrily for years, but once in a while there is a big 'storm'.  Then it craps out, and there is no way to get it working again.  I had it off for 2 weeks, while I tried everything.  Like all of Linux, it suffers recurring bugs on updates.  Everything I had, I could find off and on in the old posts, all ending with 'a new update fixed it'.  

Finally, I flushed everything.  When you use Debian Unstable, you must keep the operating system on a separate ssd, and everything important on other disks.  Then it worked again, like magic.

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