Wednesday, June 30, 2021

AI generates meaningless slogans by the fistful


Along with collapsing buildings and 'climate change', the modern era gives us an endless source of slogans to march to.

I remember the great slogan "The Medium is the Message".  That was so trendy at one time.  We had a first-edition paperback that had the title "The Medium is the Massage".  I wonder which was the most meaningful.  

1 comment:

Penny said...

Just what we need... more useless memes (mind viruses)

I like a good meme, I'm not even opposed to a half decent slogan, but we're already drowning in meaningless stuffs

'climate change' being one of the most meaningless slogan/memes around! Given that the climate always changes, including from season to season.

Doncha wonder about the people from these parts (southern ontario) who have forgotten the climate changed and we are here and the land is not under miles/km's of thick ice?