Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Continental Extreme Summer Heat


This is the time for extreme summer heat on the dry land mass.  If we have active ocean plumes, then there is some moderation.  But the Pacific plumes have totally stopped, leaving the mid continent in stagnant air.  This is sometimes called an air dam, or heat block.  

We have cold blocks in the Winter.  I think the physics supports that they are objects, since there is a very dense air mass.  These things can descend and part the ocean breezes.

However, I think the heat block is merely the absence of breezes.  I can't see it as an object since the air is less dense.  That's some good physics to explore there.  When we have a short or long ice cycle (age), we can always count on a hot summer.  The breezes stop, and we have pure solar heating.  That's when being near the Great Lakes is a benefit.

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