Saturday, June 26, 2021

Everything any engineer says about Miami will be in a lawsuit


There's more money pouring in for lawsuits than was every used to fix this building.  This engineer had nothing substantial to say.  Apparently, everything in the report is typical for the area.  All the buildings are corroding due to sea salt.  Neat.  

And the mayor was saying there was no sign of foul play because there was no bomb.  Could there be foul play in the construction?  Maybe not because the building was up for 40 years.  But that concrete crumbled like sand and the rebars pulled out smoothly.  Was that normal construction for 1981?

I may have said something before, but now I retract it.  This was a perfectly normal building for the area.  Nothing abnormal caused the collapse.  The regular inspections are perfectly fine.  This has no bearing on how US buildings would perform in an earthquake.  Nope.  

Now, if we lived in a world with physics, we would assume it was a comment on all the buildings.  The Scientific Method would tell us that the assumed physics is wrong.  We would put accelerometers on the buildings and look how they softened over time.  There would be accurate measurements of displacements and cracking noises.  The building would have actually have been evacuated before the collapse.  People and owners would have paid attention to the physics.  But, that's a story for another universe.

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