Monday, June 28, 2021

Climate stories confined to Western North America


Now, we are buried by the fish wrap of climate stories.  But, there is only one warm spot on the map, and all the stories are coming from there.  Everywhere else, it is freezing.

The Pacific Ocean has no heat energy.  The heat machine is broken.  All that western heat is from stagnant air.  Without ocean breezes, the default is hot, hot, hot.  The heat in Toronto is also mostly a stagnant air thing.  

The big question is what stupid thing they will do now, to fight natural cycles.  In Canada, we just pile on more taxes.  In the US, they can't get enough tax to fix crumbling infrastructure.  If they let buildings collapse, just wait for bridges.  

ps. yeah, we found the new stupidity thing 'Energy Justice'

pps.  totally stagnant dryish air.  No lakes to moderate things.  I wonder if there actually is a physics limit on how high things can get.  When it's in the mountains you also cut down on clear-air convection.


omg!  a perfect solar furnace.  One temperature in the world surely confirms climate change!

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