Friday, October 18, 2019

This Year's Cannabis Haul

I had two plants this year.  One was in a pot and one was in the garden.  The garden one did much better because it benefited from the trickle watering.  The pot dried out several times in the sunny summer.

This is my classic video from last year.  It has 12,000 views.  Nothing has changed.  I'm still using the powerful Hash Plant, with high thc and cbd.  This has proven to be tremendously healthy.  My brother-in-law, who is totally wrecked from moving stones in his garden, was so cured of pain that he moved more stones!

My old guy has the cancer coming back.  If that happened to me, I'd rather be full of this stuff, than morphine.

ps. wow, it's taking forever to cook this year.  Very juicy.

pps.  got about 6 l of oil.  No idea yet on the strength.

more: it's as strong as previous batches.  I wonder if there is a concentration limit.  Do not buy ultra-processed, pure cbd oil.  It is useless, like pure fish oil.

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