Thursday, October 24, 2019

It isn't easy trying to die

So, we can write a show as the blackest of black comedies.  None of this is real.  

My old guy is now in P. Marg.  He is an unusual case because we found out that his amazing remission from prostate bone cancer was with the old castrating drug they have been using for years.  Then it all went bad.  So, they tried $10,000 worth of the new miracle drug.  It went worse, with bone tumours popping out like mushrooms.

Naturally, he wanted to book the bus out of town (physician-assisted death).  Then began the comedy, when a flood of doctors came in for an assessment.  He had doctors coming in two times saying they were the 'second assessment'.  And then he found out you have to wait 10 days, while they torture you with 'Are you really, really sure?'.  And you need the paper signed with two witnesses who aren't your family, aren't in the will, and are not being paid to sign.

So, in the end, we still don't know when the train leaves the station.  I think they want to study him.

ps.  they must have read my article and it's moved up to the next few days. 

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