Friday, November 29, 2013

New maps show injection wells near Azle

Oh, I am stunned.  For the first time in my life I have seen earthquakes plotted together with injection wells, and volumes.  Oh Glory Be!


If you click on the 'larger map' you will see that most of the wells are 25,000 barrel a day monsters.  But take note that none are near Azle.  This makes them issue the statement that there is no correlation.  Saints be praised!  They have tapped into what I was hoping for - a rock artery NW-SE.  They will inject till the cows come home.  

Plus, we have the fact that these earthquakes aren't properly located, probably a 10 km error bar.  I really think these guys are my hope for an M4.  The foundations will crack then!

Beautiful Azle, Texas gets another earthquake - M3.1

Only a 3.1, which would normally put it out of contention, but there is something weird here.

Look at that spread!  This is obviously due to poor seismic monitoring.  If we could get the location accuracy down to a km or so, we would probably see a tight NW line.  That is why I have high hopes for this one.

That big M3.6 is probably badly located as well, and should be closer to the highway which is right up the fault line, and a good place for injection.  Remember there is no money with injection unless you are mainlining a fault.  Remember that well in OK?  When the authorities tried to reduce the flow, they packed up and left.

Android - Nexus 4 still bad after KitKat

I did the factory reset, but it still goes bad.  You go to bed with 90% battery, and you wake up with it totally dead.  After performing major CPR (plugging it in, power, vol down) it comes up with 26% battery.

I'd say it goes into a race condition, and then a kernel panic.  Standard Linux stuff.  At least the phone doesn't melt down.  This happens every few days, so I hope they fix it soon.  I'm sure millions of others must have this bug.

Update:  Google snuck in a bug fix without me knowing.  :)  Good for them, who wants to know this shit?  You can look and it is build krt16s.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Seismic death traps of the world - Bengkulu, Sumatra, Indonesia

 Now, this is totally a tsunami trap.  Not much for seismic shaking.  Here is the general setting.

As we can see, a nice clean stretch of subduction zone, ready for a 9+.  But this is a very special zone that stands out from most others.

It is right next door to the big 2004 earthquake.  You can see the power of a log scale, in that the M9.2 totally dominates in length, and an M8 is a little zit.

So the next M9 is primed.  Of course, the uncertainties are something like plus or minus a lifetime, and down there you could have a monster volcano before this quake.

The local big building looks sad for an earthquake, but these M9's don't produce much PGV.

On the other hand, that pool is going to get totally whacked with a tsunami.

As with all these cities, there are long odds that it will happen tomorrow.  Enjoy!

Geology Journal takes pot-shots at high carbon sensitivity


I am too poor and isolated to penetrate the pay-wall.  And I can't stand reading the details of a long paper anyway.  :)  I just like to make things up on the dribs and drabs of abstracts.  After all, nobody who can actually read them is allowed to talk on social media.  :)

As I have said, I refuse to get into the game of climate 'believers' and 'deniers'.  That was something made up by  climate philosophers.  The scientific discussion should be between high, medium, and low carbon sensitivity.*  For 'high' to exist, the ice ages must have been totally carbon driven.  But ice ages are cyclic and high carbon offers no restoring force, since it is open-ended exponential.  That is, driven up we become Venus, and driven down we become Pluto.

Thank god we have the ocean idea.  This is fully cyclic, which means restoring forces.  So a couple papers are on oceanic shifts in the Miocene.  The southern ocean turned over in the late Miocene.  Now, 'high' people can argue this sucked out carbon, but it also sucked out a lot of heat.  You can tell the difference by the fact that only the Antarctic got iced.  Carbon would have iced everywhere.

Another article is on giant pockmarks.  I am the only person living (on the Web, at least) who has seen all our geophysics of the bottom of Lake Ontario and it was pocked with pock marks.  :)

*I also believe that the carbon discussion is below one significant digit, not 3 as currently discussed.

Addendum:  I have decided that 'high' means that carbon dominates over all other influences.  Medium means that it is in the pack with all the others.  Low means it is not significant.

Texas earthquake M3.6

A 3.6 is worth reporting.  This is nowhere near Azle, but near Mineral Wells.

Nobody there but cows.

I don't know why it would suddenly start with a 3.6.  Must be injection into a highly stressed zone.  I have hopes for this one to break the 4 barrier.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Seismic Death Traps of the World - Lima, Peru

Just in time for Christmas, I have started a new series, which may end at one.

According to this article, the situation is bad.  Lucky for us, I can't extract very much from behind the pay-wall, but I'll take it that most of the foundations are loose alluvial deposits.  Now, Lima has been exposed to many earthquakes over the last decades, but no big one that can produce a steady 20 cm/s, which would amplify 10 to 100 times on the deep soil basins.

We can just use the available resources.

Here is a picture of the general geology.

Look at that beautiful, sharp, gently curved subduction zone.  With all the sediment washing off the Andes, that has to go with an M9 every few hundred years.  That last happened in 1746, just after our famous Cascadia event.  But this is 10 times cleaner than Cascadia.  I usually put these at 500 years, so maybe Lima can catch a break.

The terrain map is very Los Angeles.

That means there are only unstable dirt mountains, or deep dirt valleys.  The only water comes from a single buried river.

The buildings are quite modern, since anything too bad has been destroyed many times over.

This is near the coast.  This building will be flat, but there are modern standard apartment buildings nearby.  It all depends on the quality of construction.

Right on the coast, we don't expect much.

These fine buildings will not be happy with a 50 foot wall of water, but they'll get an hour, and they look rich enough.  They probably never live in the places anyway.  :)

Summary of earthquakes past 30 days

As you can see, I've had to give up reporting on the ping-pong match between OK and TX.  It's just getting too confusing!  Lately this is the only action in the East, and there is a great mystery where it comes from.  :)

I sometimes get worried that these people are reading me and that's why I'm publishing in a more obscure g+ group.  Every time I say "That's it!  Now we'll get the big ones."  they stop injecting.  Sometimes I suspect they have even stopped injecting right under OK City.

My only hope is for one of these monster injection wells to pump right into a 'Rock Artery'.  That would be an open fracture that has somehow become de-stressed through earlier earthquake action.  The fluid would be carried a long way before causing the first small earthquakes.  Then, everybody would 'know' that it wasn't injection that caused them!

I'm still hearing the fatuous argument that lots of other injection wells don't cause earthquakes.  Good for them!  Keep it up!  They can't figure out that the geology is different for every well.  They still believe, like the Bruce Black Hole, that the Precambrian is a featureless billiard table.

Anyway, these uncertainties about injection volumes may spoil my Christmas present of an M4.5 under the city.  Whodve thunk they would stop injection?  My faith in humanity has been shattered.  :)

There is always the hope that they'll start injecting into a 'Rat Trap'.  That's an M6 zone all ready to go, that only needs a little shove.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Oklahoma can only put out an isolated M2.5 earthquake

Ok, I was thinking, how can I live today if there isn't an OK-Tex tennis match?  I really thought that we wouldn't have anything.  But I was wrong.  :)

This might actually be a natural earthquake.  But at the rate OK is opening up new monster injection wells, who knows?

That bunch of squares on the highway is where they stopped injection.  Must have some politician live there.  That's also where the happy people want to inject again to monitor earthquakes.  They have great confidence that it will only be little earthquakes.  Haven't heard about camels and straws, I suppose.

Update:  the little earthquakes are becoming to frequent to count now.  I'll wait until they get bigger.

Texas now winning with an M3 earthquake

It could be the lake, but most likely injection.

I looked around the lake.

Very nice, I'm glad they don't have brick chimneys.  :)

Monday, November 25, 2013

Missouri the new earthquake hotspot - M2.6

I'm joking, of course, but I've never understood why you can have this great big stress disturbance, and no earthquakes in the increased-stress zone.  Maybe one day....

Texas does better with an M3.3 earthquake

The Texas earthquakes are getting bigger faster.  This could be a horse race!

Update:  a local house.  Very earthquake resistant.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

New Madrid - The March to Dyersburg

Some time ago I said that if the New Madrid fault zone were to ever rise again, it would have to extend to Dyersburg and beyond.  I'm starting to see a faint trace of that, but the fault is turning, which is weird.

The blue shows the old zone.  It is a classic rock mechanics, testing machine failure, with a thrust zone in the middle and two shear wings.  All of the new mechanisms take this form, usually starting with one shear wing.  Yet the NMZ continues to be fed with water, and should do something.  The only question is whether it is confined by geometry and cannot grow.

I'm rooting for more growth!  As with the other zones, we'll only be able to confirm a mechanism with an M4 or greater.  That starts to be the size where there is enough deformation to open up more water channels.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Oklahoma earthquake M2.7 - unusually isolated

This is a weird earthquake.  It could actually just be a stress reaction to the other activity.  But I was using the linear aspect of the topography to estimate my NW feature, and this lines up on it.  Anyway, it's the turn of Texas to top it.  :)

Earthquake - Oklahoma Beats Texas

OK shoots off an M3.7, and Texas responds with an M2.9.  Feeble response!  Comon' Tex, you can do better!

Update:  OK just batted back a 2.7!  Must feel that Texas is giving up.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Nexus 4 doesn't like KitKat

I always check my power level, and today it was suddenly drained.  Doesn't even register that it is charging when I plugged it in.  Good thing I don't really depend on any phone, since I'm retired and nobody but spammers call me.  :)   I'm sure they'll fix this, but I hope the phone is in a condition to receive the fix.  :(

My old Nexus 7 got the update, and so far it is holding.

Update:  I'm thinking now that the battery may have been drained by a flurry of updates.  It seems to have settled down now, and is charging normally.  My advice is to keep it plugged in a lot after the update.

Update2:  It is still weird.  Today it refused to turn on by pressing the button.  I had to do a power - vol down thing to restart it.  The battery was at 56%

Update3:  I just did the factory reset which they now recommend.  Many people have had problems and this apparently fixes everything.

Update4:  This has cleared all problems and the battery life is good now.

LInux - New motherboards and USB 3

Well, I learned something today.  You can plug your old scanner in the usb 3 slots, and work all day on why the system doesn't recognize it.  That includes 2 kernel compiles!  And then put it in the slots right beside them and it works!  They should make the slots different!  :)

Oklahoma earthquake - M3.7

Can't believe it!  Just shy of a 4 again!  This is on an outlier injection point, though, not in the mechanism.  Although it would be extra fun to see the line going down the NE megathrust.  I was really expecting an M4.5 by now, which would then have a response up the shear wings.  Maybe for Christmas...

My other big prediction was for an M7 in the armpit of Alaska.  That's a good Christmas present since nobody will get hurt.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

France gets an earthquake - M4.5

Oh, this is so cute!

Somewhere in France.  You can do a Streetview, and it is wonderful.  I wonder if it knocked the boats down.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Linux - Latest Debian update screws your usb storage

Ok, this was a puzzler.  The latest update rendered all my little usb thingies useless.  They were all read-only and nothing I could do would change it.  After many, many searches, I finally found that you have to edit your fstab file and remove all the lines for usb storage mounts. I had about 5.  They are no longer needed.

I'm on testing, which is moderately unstable.  My machine on stable was still good,

Using geology for global warming


Really, we are well beyond the mere 'carbon warms us' crap, and must focus directly on the magnitude of the carbon sensitivity.  This value, which I call Cs (I've never seen anybody couch it as a constant) must be somewhere between 0 and a heck of a lot.

First, we should consider the precision to which we can ever calculate it.  Obviously, it must have more significant digits now, than in the past.  Like most of the constants, the ideal situation is to calculate it in the lab, but unfortunately, that value is near zero.  To be in the global warming camp, it must come with the baggage of non-linear water feedback.

Instead of being 'pro', or a derogatory 'denier', the scientific way would be to divide groups into 'High Cs' and 'Low Cs'.  And if the precision is 1 significant digit, as I would think, it is not productive to endlessly argue the third decimal place.  Some material properties, such as permeability are doomed to be forever, only a factor of 10.

In seismology we have a time-dependent sensitivity curve.  In other words, we know we are better at detecting small earthquakes now, than in the past, so any forward-looking models must take this into account.

So, is is useful to use geology in this argument?  Probably not.  I wouldn't go back umpteen million years, but just look at the ice ages.  What is the impact of a high or low Cs?  A high Cs has no restoring force, so once the ice started it wouldn't stop until everything was dead.  And the ice doesn't follow sun cycles or we would have had ice ages back to the dinosaurs.  Oh what a tangled web we weave....  

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Texas earthquake - M3.6

Texas and OK are having a race to the top.  Texas has the advantage of increasing faster, but OK has been at it a long time.  Who will crack the 4 barrier?  I've totally lost track of the megathrusts down by Texas, but they must have a hanging wall there, or there would be no major injection.  Many injection sites go into the Cambrian sandstone, but that is dribs and drabs.  To make real money, you need to go into fractured Precambrian, and the water flows like beer down Rob Ford's throat.

Indonesia M6.3 earthquake

This is a deep and trivial earthquake for the region, but I sometimes get sick of Oklahoma.  :)  And the pictures here always look good.

As well, they are having some good volcano action right now.

Monday, November 18, 2013

This year is the warmest


So, at the end of this year, it is touted as being warm, even though I froze in July.  As well, the latest tornadoes are a "sign".  Now that I have a controversial g+ community that nobody reads, I'll venture into this murk again.


I read a bit of this guy and he seems reasonable.  As well, as I have mentioned a zillion times, the Goretists are perpetual abusers of scientific precision.  They quote their lines to 3 significant digits, when we might not have 1.

So, on all these weather satellites is a little device that measures the 'warm-body' radiation.  Temperature is the measurement of the vibration of molecules, like a break in billard balls.

For a while all the balls had energy.  (I'm practising screen capture and gifs)

Oxygen emits a microwave radiation when jostled around, and that seems easy to measure.

This chart includes the precision, which are those little bars.  I am surprised that last year didn't show up much.  So you can see even if the chart is as flat as the billiard table, the last year may always be the warmest, unless the chart begins to dive.

This chart is a good example of a binomial process, which is the game of Plinko.  Basically, you can get this chart by dropping the balls.  If you get a variation like the beginning, you can expect a big excursion.  For climate, all the inputs represent the pegs.

Oklahoma earthquake - M3.0

We're back to the more typical pattern we've had for the last year or so - M3's  in the hanging wall, scattered around the injection wells.  With fluid flow, you can keep this up forever, provided there are no major structures.  OK's big hope is that this is true, and they never get big.

I am chagrined that my hopes for a sequence under the city have been dashed for now.  If we do get something over an M4, I count on the instrumentation to give us a focal mechanism, which should be thrust, relieving the principle stress in the NE direction.  Otherwise, I am undone.  :(

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Cute Arkansas earthquake cluster

Arkansas is where my heart lies, for injection-induced earthquakes, that is.  They were the first to completely validate my theories on this stuff.  Their big problem is that they stop injecting as soon as it is obvious.  They stopped the first one at M4.5, and the second at M3.5.  But the good thing is that they always keep trying!

Now I wonder when they will stop this one.

These tiny babies are all in the M1.7 range.  This is fantastic, since it means they got some really good instrumentation.  All the OK earthquakes are minimum 2.5 thereabouts.  Right below with all the yellow spots is the famous Morriton abort.  They were just starting to get a good mechanism going, and they stopped.  So sad!

This whole area is in the stress-shedding zone of New Madrid.  Basically, when you drill a hole in stressed rock, the stresses increase around the sides, depending on the direction of the main stress.  It is somewhat unusual, since for most of the basement rock on the continent, there have been no stress disturbances since the last big glacial.  Thus, this zone is primed to be a New-New Madrid.

As usual, I run a pool to see how big the earthquakes will get before they stop.  The prize is a big fat nothing, or the equivalent budget of the USGS on eastern seismic hazard.  :)

Quarry induced earthquakes


Now the Chicago 'blast' is an induced earthquake.


On June 7, 1974, at 19:45:37 GMT, an earthquake of magnitude 3.3 (mb, Nuttli) occurred at Wappingers Falls, New York (41°37.75′N, 73°56.5′W). The maximum intensity was Modified Mercalli V, with a radius of perceptibility of 10 km. This high intensity and rapid fall-off of intensity with distance are presumably associated with a shallow focal depth. Within 10 hr of the event, a portable array of microearthquake recording instruments was installed in the epicentral area. During the following 6-day period, over 100 aftershocks were recorded

As above, this has happened before.  Unlike the USGS, these people could throw in some portable seismometers and detect that the first quake was thrust, consistent with the regional high horizontal stress.  All of this could have been done for Chicago, but we are contrasting a time with money, to one without.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Leamington absolutely not the place for nuclear waste


Well, the Heinz plant is closing down, and somebody thought they could get jobs by being a better Nuke-fuel site than Bruce.  Boy, are they out to lunch!

Absolutely not a good site.  They are right on top of the Grenville Front hanging wall, as shown by seismic reflection surveys, and we have it on good authority that Lake St. Clair is the site of an old meteor impact.  Who could possible think this geology is good?

*The preceding has been a joke.

**The person writing this has been fired.

The poor OK seismologist


More earthquakes today.  I remember in the old days when the Sudbury smelter was killing everything, the debate was between Jobs and Life.  And the smoking debate also had a jobs component.

Now we have this poor guy, whose every statement has to have a weasel word of 'not definite'.  Usually people do this to get more money, but there isn't any down there.  The only jobs in OK are with the oil industry, so it's jobs vs. life again.

It's sad they only have the Paleozoic faults to work with.  Our studies have shown they have nothing to do with earthquakes, but are a shadow of the deeper structure.  But everybody likes to fool around with them because they are so easy to study.

I can write this now, because I put it where nobody sees it.  I'm sure this guy gets constantly beaten by his bosses.  :)

Ode to Austen (sic)

You walk the fine line between Jobs and Death,
Everyone defends to their very last breath.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Oklahoma earthquakes - Thursday is not a washout

What we have here is an M3.0 that extends the N-NW fault zone down a bit.  I was expecting a big earthquake by now, but what the heck - nobody's perfect!  So, everybody sleep safe in your beds tonight, under your big stone chimney, nothing's coming.  When it does come, however, we're back on the curve!

New Puppy!

The day after the old puppy died of a bizarre birth defect, we have a new puppy.

She's a blue heeler cross as well, but with Border Collie, so we expect great things.

Oklahoma earthquakes - the zones are closing

Ok, I was joking that the two zones would close and achieve critical mass.  But to have it actually happen is beyond my wildest dreams.  4 earthquakes yesterday.

BTW, I am no longer posting in the regular Geoscience g+ community, since all this shit is beyond belief.  I have made a new group Bizarre Geophysics, which suits me.  Just me and a friend on it so far.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Oklahoma earthquakes are resting

Phew.  I'm in a sad mood anyway, since my new 4 month old puppy suddenly died.  She had a minor cold, under vet care, and then it all turned nasty within an hour, like Ebola, with blood out the lungs.  Probably there was a defect with the lungs.  But we'll look again.  I like to think we have the spirit of an active dog, and it just comes in various shapes and sizes.  :)  Still, a bad run of luck for me.

Only two events Tuesday.  But the fluids continue to pour into the major structures.  As a recap, this area is under very high horizontal stress, chiefly in the NE direction.  The area is in equilibrium with the faults, set that way by successive glaciation.  Water has three effects:  lubrication once moving, jacking apart the faults (effective stress), and stress corrosion on the silica grains.  When all three come into play we have an earthquake.  The small quakes set up the big ones according to fractal roughness.  The same probability exists for having constant M3's, as for having a sudden M7 (in other words very rare).

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Oil and Earthquakes


I just like this juxtaposition.  Another M3.4 in the upper zone.  Maybe the two zones will join up.

PS.  I am reminded here of the famous experiment under Chicago Stadium when they were developing the atomic bomb.  Some crazy guy was constantly shoving together two pieces of U236 with a screwdriver and watching all the meters go nuts.  Such fun!  Wonder what ever happened to that guy.  In earthquake terms, if the two zones join together, we got our M7 a bit sooner.  Doesn't matter much, since the SUN IS GOING TO EXPLODE.  

Monday, November 11, 2013

Geoscience -- Isolation and Intellectual Inbreeding

If you want to know everything that can go wrong with science, just look at Japan.  There, old mobsters rule, and any 'nail sticking out' gets hammered.  The same is now true with geoscience.

I'm really putting the blame on a general lack of money.  Under these conditions, everybody starts digging holes to cower in.  New people can't get tenure unless they completely kowtow to the old dinosaurs.  All major institutions have stifling PR departments.

Lots of money can cure this even without communication.  The science of seismic exploration has advanced by leaps and bounds, because of the rich rewards.  These guys would never communicate, but I'm sure there is a huge churn in employment, which amounts to the same thing.

Now, with this Internet thing becoming big and all, you would expect more mainline science bloggers, or participation in Google+,  but no, the number is actually shrinking.  No scientist could advance through the Byzantine corridors of power, by doing something as crass as communicating with the hoi polloi.  This can also be lumped into a genuine fear of taking a risk.

We had hoped that one day the USGS would arise from their tanning beds in California and take an active interest in Eastern earthquakes.  But I feel sorry for them, being a constant football in Congressional wars.  They do nothing leading-edge now, except uselessly mapping the zillion California faults.  The next big earthquake there will make its own new faults!

So, the modern world passes them by, while they become more and more like Japan.  What disaster will then befall them?  Oklahoma looks like a good one.  Maybe a big disaster will help them advance, but it didn't help Japan much.

So, the only true cross-fertilization comes from employment churn (non-existent), and corridor talk at the big conferences.  This is truly inefficient for the modern world.

Oklahoma earthquake swarm - NW fault completely defined

There have been a heck of a lot of earthquakes overnight.  All along the NW thrust of our growing New Madrid.  Still on for the M4.5 by the end of the week, but I wasn't really expecting this swarm.  Normally they just go in big chunks.  This means the faults aren't quite as smooth as Arkansas.

Once the big thrust earthquake happens, we can expect the shear wing to be defined.  It will cut right through the centre of the city.  This is nothing like the horror in the Pacific, but it is our own little horror, with lots of cracked plaster, and falling chimneys.  As our baby continues to grow, we can expect bigger action, all the way to the penultimate M7.8, although, truly, they might stop injecting by then.  :)

Am I a mystical guru predicting all this?  No.  It's just physics.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Oklahoma earthquakes still poppin' - M3.4

I can't say too much about the fault mechanism, since we don't know the injection locations, but this certainly isn't caused by the lake!  (Har, har).  If this isn't right on top of a well, then it is the NW transform fault, on the footwall.  I think that would be a huge thing if activated.  But we are still waiting for our M4.5 and M4, one-two punch from the mechanism.  I'd give it another week for that.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Texas earthquake - M3

This is absolutely not as much fun as OK, but should be noted.  They used to get earthquakes right under the city, but stopped the injection.  I tend to lose the megathrusts this far south.  I think this action is just in the hanging wall of one of them, almost by definition, since the footwall does not allow injection (too tight and strong).

Friday, November 8, 2013

Chicago Earthquake - When is a blast not a blast?


Rotten seismic instrumentation has led to great confusion.  On one hand the USGS says it is a single blast, but they can't even locate it right.  This led to people blaming one quarry, when it was another.  The area is thick with quarries.  Also, it was first reported by some as a 3.8, now a 3.2.

Inspectors are crawling all over the place, but what can they tell?  Suppose, the drunken blaster loaded the crap out of the holes, 'just to make sure'.  Could you really tell without good instruments?  Now, it's just a bloody hole in the ground.

The second 'magical' explanation, is that it triggered an earthquake.  This is not that far out, since quarries have been known to do that.  But only with extreme horizontal stress.  This leads to a question of the geology of Chicago.

It is well away from my megathrusts, and the granitic basement is probably Archean, but there is a whopping big hole called the Michigan Basin.


It's very weird to have such a hole.  I can only think that when the first megathrusts came up against the old craton, some micro-plates slide, and pulled apart.  Anyway, the whole point is that this area might not have high horizontal stresses.  I haven't heard it was a problem, not like Niagara.

Also, some regulators are surprised that there was damage.  Again,  they are very slack without instruments.  Who could trust them?  Once again I suspect a bankrupt city, siphoning funds from the blasting to make whoopee.  :)

Update:  Now it's an earthquake again.  


Just stare at this forever, and think of the power.

Ohhh - Klahoma! Oklahoma earthquakes

This is the great stuff I write about, that put me in Internet Rehab.  I'm too empathic, and take this to heart too much.  But, now I've got my Super Detachment Cloak on, and let's have some fun.

The guys down there read my stuff, and have come up with my explanation for the Virginia quake - namely it's the fault of the dammed lake (Damn Lake!).  They rule out the injection (Thank God!) because it's a whole 5 miles away.

Lucky for us, they have never heard of injection plumes.  Yes, Virginia, the injection plume has reached the main intersection mechanism.  The lake water cannot penetrate the extremely thick intact shale, and even if it was heavily fractured above the megathrust, shale can 'self-heal' fractures.

So, people of OK city, remain totally isolated in your little world, there is nothing you can do.  Let the earthquakes get bigger and bigger, and look to the 4000 year old shepherd-science in the Old Testament.  :)

LInux - Pimping the old machine

Yes, I am back.  I just got overwhelmed by stupidity.  Sometimes when the whole world goes on a binge, I just post and post my catty remarks and go a bit manic, and lose my humour perspective.  So, I'll start with my project which I did as therapy.

My second Linux machine, which I use mainly as a media server, went tits-up.  The posting beep just went on an on, which indicates a memory failure.  The machine is really old.  Being cheap, I always keep the same case, and just changed the internals.

Here's my list from Tiger Direct

ITEM:  A79-6600
Description:  Amd A-Series APU A8-6600K BLK
Quantity(EA):       1
Price(EA):          99.97
Extended Price:          99.97

ITEM:  K24-5880
Description:  Kingston HyperX Blu 4GB DDR3
Quantity(EA):       1
Price(EA):          49.99
Extended Price:          49.99

ITEM:  K24-0301
Description:  Kingston V300 120GB SATA 3 SSD
Quantity(EA):       1
Price(EA):         114.99
Extended Price:         114.99

Description:  ULTRA LSP550 550W ATX POWER
Quantity(EA):       1
Price(EA):          49.97
Extended Price:          49.97

ITEM:  A455-8503
Quantity(EA):       1
Price(EA):          79.97
Extended Price:          79.97

To that, add the stupid bracket to mount an ssd on a 3.5 inch disk rack.  (Forgot it first time) - $12

It all went together beautiful.  Debian installer screws up the keyboard, so you have to install from Debian Live.  The motherboard has all the graphics, which is what I wanted, since I don't play games on that machine.

Now, the A8 APU is a bit weird.  It has a lot of graphics built-in, but I haven't checked all the Linux drivers.  I only have an old screen.  It's slow, but uses very little power.  On my 1 year old machine, I have a standard Athlon 6, and I run handbrake on it to convert videos, which uses all processors.  When I do a movie, all the emergency fans come on full blast, and the thing heats the room!  The A8 is a bit slower on the movie, but doesn't even get warm.

Update:  Silly me, the A8 is only quad-core.  So my super-hot Athlon 6 core is faster.

Update2:  Do not activate the Radeon drivers in a new kernel.  This graphics arrangement screws up.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Geofish in Internet Rehab

Dear Reader, We have locked up the Geofish in Internet Rehab.  Unlike certain Toronto mayors, he knows that if he continues down this path, he will soon be smoking Crack-Coffee, just so he can write more stuff.  Ask any Hollywood starlet.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Geofish to go into a funk

All this excitement has gotten me manic, I'm posting too much, and nobody is reading.  I'm into the 'What's it all for?" thing.  So I am shutting down.  Even a 5 in OK won't rouse me.  Bye for now.

Oklahoma goes nuts with earthquakes!

Well, we've done it.  We've broken out into a full Arkansas mechanism, which I call a 'Baby New Madrid'.  I've predicted this for so long, and it happened.  Now we have big thrusts (M3.8), followed by a quake on the shear wing (M3.2).  The 3.8 should have some intense PGV for its size, since it hammers directly upward.

If they keep injecting to keep the garbage collected, and the city out of bankruptcy, then we should now see some fast escalation.  An M4.5 on the thrust, followed by an M4 on the shear wing.  As with Youngstown Ohio, we should see this even if, horror of horrors, they stop injecting.

Update:  I'm not finding any news on this.  The 3.8 should have knocked things off shelves, but it looks like the hammer zone might be an empty zone.  Hopefully, this means no calls for action.  :)