Sunday, November 1, 2020

Crazy Murder a Covid Symptom


Well, they go on and on about the effect on mental illness.  We can assume that all the draconian lockdowns are having an effect.  It will now be a race between covid inflammation and covid murders.  This is sad.

Okay, you mathless people, time to take a breather before you order another lockdown.  They don't work.  Your mask orders don't work.  Nothing you do works.  Covid is up, insanity is up.  This is a time to look at the main hypothesis and let it fail.

Of course, this won't happen because the whole thing is entangled with power politics.  Nobody can go 'back to the drawing board'.  They have to stay the course and kill us all.  

In the US, covid is out of control, but no great increase in shootings, if anybody can tell, and the economy is up.  Instead of a mask and lockdowns, everybody should wear cool wrap-around safety glasses,  or face shields.  Have lots of parties, talk to your neighbours and family.  Be on the alert for standard male depression.

Unfortunately, I predict ridiculous covid numbers, more strict lockdowns, and lots of murder-suicides.  This will pass, as all our Great Stupidities.  Have fun!

ps.  I write this as being pretty good on male depression.  Everybody is drinking more, and male depression is going to go through the roof.  The only hope is social interaction and somebody getting them to a doctor.  Not going to happen very much now.  We'll see.


Anonymous said...

BASELINE Schizophrenia - 24 YEARS OLD

Harold Asmis said...

Not male depression then. However, all these conditions are going to be squeezed, like toothpaste.

Penny said...

Anonymous said...

BASELINE Schizophrenia - 24 YEARS OLD

That's the idea I took away as well from the news reporting. He's the right age for it too.

The depression will take it's toll on the lockdown society- I should say it already is.
As is the despair and drug over doses.
But, we'll have no fear because yahoo dougie is here (rolls eyes)

Harold Asmis said...

When dougie talks he sprays high velocity particles 20 feet through the mask. He's amazing.