Saturday, November 14, 2020

OPG proud of itself


Yeah, I'm happy for the builders.  I was totally wrong about OPG being able to make a copy of Darlington for their refurbishment.  They did it.  But the rating is now so low, that they want to make a 'small' reactor.  They don't indicate the size, but I feel they will push the definition of 'small', since they don't do anything small.  Nevertheless, this dinky nuclear reactor (DNR) will force the seismic-death-trap Pickering to run forever.

Can't wait to hear more details.

ps.  I now dream that their stupidity cycle is over.  Everybody is bright and happy.  I hear nothing, and I don't want to hear anything.  I believe everything the PR department puts out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bah hahahahahahaha
Peter, of the hummin lines