Sunday, November 1, 2020

More Amazon gifts

 Hot on the heels of my 3 bucks, I include more suggestions.

Red light

I use an expensive face mask thing that nobody uses anymore, but I searched for the cheapest red light that has 2 levels.


Have this by your computer desk in the morning, and give the eyes a 3 minute blast.

Then switch to a blue light for 15 minutes, off to the side and don't look at it directly.  Nobody knows how this works, I suspect sensors around the eyes, like infrared.

Finally, these are the best.

I've gone through endless pills on this, and who can face another pill in the morning?  These gummies are great and everybody chews them down.  Don't suffer!  


Best thing ever for old men.  The ladies will laugh at you, but you aren't the one retying the shoelaces constantly on a hike.

For your growhouse.  You can get ugly old steel shelves from bankrupt retailers, but the plastic clips are dried out and broken.

And get this for your favourite hydroponics person.  I just started the microgreens.  With the new ice age, we get 6 months of growing under lights.

1 comment:

Harold Asmis said...

I'll keep adding if I remember things, which I usually don't.