Wednesday, October 7, 2020

State of the oceans - October 7, 2020 -- Warming is Cooling is Warming ...


The Pacific is perfectly ordinary with the current.  The warmies are starting their argument that the carbon hypothesis can also cause cooling.  This goes along the line that carbon upsets the oceans which in turn upset the Jet Stream which is a great force for evil cold.  It's a nice story and gets a lot of press time.

This is the Pacific Ocean temperature.  It looks totally bland, and uniform.  However, it is normally much hotter, and 'cold' is merely the absence of heat energy.

So, the warmies are now showing the 'anomaly' map which shows the Pacific Belt colder by a degree or two. No great energy difference.  This is the "Great Force' that moves the Jet Stream.  There is no physics in this argument, since the JS is just a shadow effect between warm and cold zones.  However, they always plot it as a vector force, like ocean currents.  No physics.

The explanation is under construction.  But this the main 'energy flow' in the air.  The Siberian 'heat wave' is over and it's cold.  The tropical plume action has moved to Europe, where it pushes at the cold blob of Arctic air, which is pouring over Canada.  The Arctic ice volume is increasing very slowly and you might hear of this by the warmies, if they can figure out how to put their spin on it.

ps.  also, there is no physics in the whole covid thing.  Enjoy and listen to the stories.

1 comment:

Penny said...

Thanks for the update and thanks for continuing construction on the back ground information !