Friday, October 30, 2020

No hope with covid vaccine



This is fun.  This is a pure 'common cold' vaccine issue.  So far, all the vaccine news is that a strong antibody response is created.  After 6 months they all go away.  So we are left with t-cell memory.  We have one other story that a fellow got reinfected and had no symptoms, but that just might the luck of the draw.  Now we have a fellow who almost died.

Sometimes vaccines work and sometimes they don't.

Currently, adenoviral vector-based vaccines — vaccines designed to insert a modified COVID-19 gene into the human body to provoke the production of spike proteins that will keep the individual immune against the real virus — are at the forefront of the global race to find a solution to the raging pandemic. However, several researchers, including Chepurnov have expressed concerns that repeated shots of the vaccine could backfire, triggering an immune response against the vaccine instead of the real virus.“Once injected with an adenoviral vector-based vaccine, we won’t be able to repeat it because the immunity against the adenoviral carrier will keep interfering,” Chepurnov told the Daily Mail.

So, repeated injections will trigger something awful.  Now, we need somebody who can do the math, and say that safety glasses are enough for parties.  This sounds like the common cold turning deadly.  What would we do?

**Dear Liberal Arts Graduates, don't believe this guy, he's Russian.  Continue with worrying about carbon warming.  Thank you.

ps.  that's why they always vary the flu shot, no matter what.  Neat.

pps.  t-cell memory doesn't work with a big virus attack, as cold sufferers will know.  The attack is too fast.  You would have to flood every single person in the world with a vaccine on the same day, and hope that in 6 months the virus would die (no animal hosts).   No chance of this happening.

more:  so, if this is true, that forces us to go to math and physics to analyze dose rates.  If you have had it, or the upcoming vaccine, then you have to go to face shields for all social encounters, the rest of your life.  You want to get a new dose as small as possible.  The face shields are slightly better than goggles, in that it would stop superspreaders from spitting out.  But I think that safety glasses for everyone would be sufficient to kill the virus.  Not surgical masks, that's silly.  Go to your parties with glasses.  That will be forever.


Penny said...

The pharma community is aware their 'vaccine' is a dud.
I'd posted an article at my place- NBC Health News

"Scientists Debate How Much to LOWER THE BAR on Covid-19 Vaccine Potential"

In plain talk how low can the bar go and still call it a vaccine
There saying straight out this won't go away with a vaccine- and it won't because it's the cold and they've never made a vaccine for the cold- And the flu vaccines are not all that great either

"Ongoing clinical trials are primarily designed to show whether Covid-19 vaccine candidates prevent any symptoms of the disease — which could be as minor as a sore throat or a cough."

Reduce symptoms

"Few expect Covid-19 vaccines to be that effective. "We're trying to lower that bar and determine how much lower is acceptable," Casper said.

That said Astra Zeneca had to test subjects come down with transverse myelitis and one in brazil died

Harold Asmis said...

Yeah, bring on math and physics! This is going to be another 'mathless' global disaster, like banning freon and carbon dioxide. Have your parties with safety glasses and force loud-mouths to whisper, even if they are super-powerful like Aunt Mary, or Dougie. When somebody yells 'Sneeze!' everybody ducks for a minute. Or wear face shields, or cover your sneeze like normal people.

Anonymous said...

Probably a technologically undefeatable function of natural selection. A nanometre size problem with a six foot solution.