Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Trumps offers 'Death of a Thousand Cuts'

 Anybody who canoe camps and portages through a swamp knows the feeling.

I swore not to say anything on all this right now.  So I won't.

ps and especially not saying anything about this.

They just make this stuff up as they go along.  Last week the PV was pushing the cold air, and this week it is collapsing and letting out the cold air, like the cattle fence failing.  OMG!  The cows are out!

At least they are giving up on warmth, and saying that we are going to have cold, because we all know that the Polar Vortex fairies are allergic to carbon.  So, all the cold is due to carbon dioxide, and any day now, we'll go back to warminess. 

ps they can never decide if the Polar Vortex is just something in the stratosphere, or a big cattle fence on the ground corralling the cold air.  People are perfectly happy to have two meanings for one thing.  Yeah.

Say good-bye to Winter

 Oh, you thought that was for you?  No, it's for me, since I am going way down south to the French Antilles, along with everybody and their dog.  Not my dog, I have the house filled with crazy country cousins come down to enjoy the big city.  They promise not to kill the dog.  What could go wrong?

For you poor shnooks left behind, we need strong Pacific plumes to blow away the Arctic blobs -- not happening.  Not a speck of heat energy anywhere for you, I'm hogging it all with the last of Atlantic heat.

That perfect storm will give Toronto sleet in the morning, nothing to slow down the plane in Canada.  But look at the winds behind it!  Pure North.  Killer Rabbit!  Run Away!  Ha!

The physics forecast is for a very cold April, and I really hope the ice is off the lake by the May long weekend.  Might not be.  blah.  Don't plant your tomatoes and cucumbers until the 1st of June.  Standard 1970 conditions apply.  Confident warmies can plant at the beginning of April.

ps if they don't feed the dog, she can eat them in their drunken stupor.  Cousins are a dime a dozen.

ps No Nickel for You!

ps phew!  starship is going to miss us.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Natgas suddenly spikes


Neat, it will hit 5 bucks in a minute.  Are they realizing there will be no gas from Canada?  Perhaps they know we will send them another Canada's Revenge.  

Perhaps they have even read me?  I doubt it.  The Arctic is brewing up another big blob, to hit in a week.  I won't be here!  ha, ha.  Right now we have the perfect storm in the mid-west with mountain, gulf and northern air meeting.

Tariffs start, the 1930's begin

 Look at my previous posts when I went nuts about this.  I have stopped posting because people get so upset about reality.  To talk about reality is 'to rub it in'.  Not doing that.  We need rationality to survive all this, but we aren't getting it.  Just lip-flapping.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Everything is going according to plan - I am leaving now

 Nobody wants to hear the harsh reality.  I don't want to say it.  Win - win all around.  I have things to do, so I can fight off my compulsion to write.  Good-bye for now.

Spencer plot stays down

 This is probably the only monthly plot we get these days.  noaa is out.

It's just static with the huge drop in January.  The spencer plot also has the general drift caused by urbanization.  This plot also shows all the spikes well.  Each spike is associated with an ocean current disruption on the Pacific Belt.  I leave that as an exercise for the reader.

ps Springtime for Natgas, that was a movie once.  The price is down to nothing, and all is forgiven for the warmie forecasters.  Nice to be in such a world.

ps. cutting out now.  I have everybody trying to kill me.  Enjoy the warm spring.

Nothing in the weather today

 It's just a big muck, not interested.

ps. everything is a greenhouse gas, since that doesn't exist.

At the level of hydrogen, we hae oxygen and nitrogen.  Get rid of the whole atmosphere!

ps the Arctic has recharged more than a dozen times this winter, and it's doing it again.  Very boring.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Canada is back

 Early flight out for the kids today.  Temperature at -15C.  Car warmed up for 15 minutes, still felt like lead.  Everybody in Toronto is really sick.  We all hate everything American, including hate.  Yeah, play the 'American Woman' song!

Airport departures was a real mess in the Canadian section.  Only Canadians fly in the pitch black morning at 15 below.  Everybody was super polite in dumping people fast.  No honking, no one cutting in.  Terrified that the car will explode with a fender-bender, and instant frozen death getting out of the car.  Nobody packs the car with a full parka and heavy boots.  We are all vulnerable here.

The American section was totally empty.  We hate American hate now.  Those trucker-pp-weenies have been frozen out.  freland and carns are trying to out-nice each other for the leadership race -- you go first, no you go first -- sorry about winning!

Looks like we might hit merry-lego with this one.  Maybe they use cheap natgas to heat the oranges.  Who cares?

I'm going back to bed.  Just found out from the kids that all the building codes in the states are going full electric, zero emission, no natgas allowed.  Ha!

All in all, nice to be back, Canada.

ps. just going pure Aronia Berry now, tastes like black-black tea.  Ten times the benefit of orange juices without the heart problems and diabetes.  Ditch the American breakfast of orange juice, bacon and eggs, although they voted for eggs, and don't have any.  Put a handful of dried berries in the pressure cooker and let it go for an hour.

ps. I feel your pain, Montreal.

ps. just hanging over my fresh-air machine.  Feels so good.  Time to get my full blast of cannabis.  Feels good, too.

ps. if we followed my plan, I'd be having a nice coca tea right now, with a poppy-juice chaser.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Excellent philosophy

 Abstract:  Although the intellectual elite bemoan the loss of scientists, to the headsman axe of the Red Queen, science, as currently defined, has lost it's way.  Their is no loss to society with these summary executions, since they were consistently wrong.

Another wonderful piece from the journal called 'Science'.  It should be called Philosophy, which is what this is.  These observers have noted a pattern which correlates with orbital cycles of the Earth.  No measurements have been performed in the making of this movie.

Right now, I am so sick from the Great Toronto Cold, that I can barely see.  We'll be going through a crate of Costco tissues in a few days.  However, I will persevere.  Grasping for the straws of correlation is a great sport for the philosophers.  You dip your hand into a million plums, pull one out, and say What a boy am I.  -- Give me money!

When faced with this, what would a fan of the Scientific Method want?  

I'm sooo sick.  The dog walk into the wind just now burned the inside of my sinuses.  

So, finish it yourself -- yada, yada, all the stuff I would say.  And marvel how many papers have been written about this.


 The US is going the full 1930's route of loving nazis, and being isolationist.  They will wage economic war against the rest of the world.  Really, the only internal opposition are warmies who froze them to death.

poots will declare Europe to be 'chained dogs' and move every last bullet down to Ukraine.  Nobody can stand against Napoleon, and the only recourse is 'scorched earth'.  Ukraine will evacuate and we'll change our name to Ukranada, and take them all in.  Naturally, our only recourse to support all those hungry mouths is to grow every drug crop known to man under glass, a real 'greenhouse gas-glass'.  We'll heat with natgas and extract the carbon dioxide for inside the greenhouses.  Best fertilizer ever!

We'll seal the border with land mines to stop the Americans from coming.  After the big California earthquake, caused by the destruction of the USGS, we will get a few million bright Canadians back, along with the hockey players.  But Grezy can stay there.

We will have so much money that instead of a 'Universal Allowance', we'll have a Universal Drug Allowance.  Anybody who is addicted, or wants to be addicted can sign into a beautiful 'Drug Paradise' campus.  Just the thing for our weather.  They can get all the drugs they want, including gallons of booze and nicotine.  They can tend the greenhouses if they want to.  The money will finally go into getting people off the drugs, which is what experience shows they want to do.  Especially with daily reports on how long their livers are going to last.

This has been my version of satire, which is a very rational outcome that will work, but is politically unacceptable.  The politically acceptable future is stagnation, poverty and starvation.  

Warm spell since 2008 is over

 I wasn't even going to do this.  All doom and gloom today.  The freeze on the Great Lakes has shown us to be past 1973 in weather history.  I think the drop is something like 1942.  I just had dreams of Z doing a scorched-earth withdrawal in Ukraine.  It's his only choice.

The mimic shows another huge Arctic blob going straight down to freeze trumpsupporters.

The weather charts are self-explanatory.  I am getting into my holiday mode, and will stop all this cold stuff.  I am now over 50% that the US will run out of heating.

ps the regular weather forecast shows an incursion of Gulf air, followed by more cold in the next 7 days.

ps people will die.