Friday, June 10, 2022

World continues its icy plunge


I've decided not to wait for nooa to come up with their convoluted world temperature charts.  They have lost all enthusiasm and the results are later and later each month.  I'm expecting that temps will now go into freefall, like Toronto housing prices.

But, we have another one-day wonder heat wave in Spain, and the media is all over blaming the jet stream for this cold.  However, I find this cold to be depressing, and am attempting to take a posting sabbatical for time being.  

I am now relatively certain that we are falling off the edge of the long cycle, and should be crashing towards another Little Ice Age.  If I see a speck of heat energy in the Pacific, I'll be sure to let you know.  The Atlantic is still giving us some heat, but that reserve goes quickly.  

Also, I'll latch onto any sign that there is physics in the world.  Right now, all the media is controlled by Poots, well on his way to world conquest.  At least that will be slow, and no chance of nuclear war. 


Penny said...

There was an article from sever weather Europe- I posted it at my site.

Bottom line Arctic ice is not melting

"The Hudson Bay, the Beaufort Sea, the Canadian Archipelago, the Eats Siberian Sea, the Laptev Sea, the Chuchi Sea, and the Kara Sea are still almost completely frozen"

"Sea ice extent in the Barents Sea is higher than usual in the last 5 years as it was for the entire month of May, as well as for the entire 2022 so far, especially between March and April."

In the Canadian Archipelago, the Sea Ice extent remained rather constant through the month of May without decreasing with the typical trend observed in the most recent years.

The present extent is around 850 thousand square kilometers, which is definitely higher than what has been observed in the very last years.

Get the drift? Or should I say are you catching a chill?

Harold Asmis said...

thanks, I'll write something new on it.