Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Ocean current report - June 8, 2022

 The ocean current video is June 6.

Last time, we saw perfect turbulence marks on the temperature anomaly chart.

Now, it's getting a bit raggy.  It's like it never happened!  That's the fun of altering history.  That used to be such a big crime, but now all the PR departments use it.  Just rewrite things to match the current group-think.  Lots of money to be made.

The Argo floats are spread thinly and we just get a hint of the pattern.  But it means that the current is so strong that it will never stop for the next few years.

The warmies have a new paper that states the Arctic ice and Greenland is melting so much that it will plunge all of us into La Nina cold.  The main problem with this is that the Arctic is building up ice because it is so cold.  I am always amazed at what people will swallow. 

In summary, there is nothing new under the sun.  Nooa has come out with the US temperatures and May is cold.  They expanded from '10th warmest' to 'top one third' and now I am waiting for the next one.

Fine, it's still upper third.  Next month it will be 'middle third'.

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