Saturday, June 25, 2022

Winter clipper in the summer


We only have the weak heat from the Gulf, and no heat from the Pacific.  The latest Pacific plume has gone up to Alaska, and will come down on us as a clipper.  It's no use saying how unusual this is, since nobody watches this stuff.  

The big Spanish heat wave of a day has moved on, and there's nothing in the news.  

They can go on about Siberia again, but who cares?  The current heat situation is like everybody ignoring the fall of bitcoin, and just showing plots truncated at a few months ago.  CNN did a great truncated world temperature plot a few days ago.  Makes for a great story.

ps.  and look at the Pacific, it just keeps getting colder and colder.  This is a massive event and would have been noticed, if not for the group-think.


Neil T said...

You keep on about the Spanish "one day" heatwave which is wrong. It's hot, cold, hot, cold and no rain. Been like that since November 2021. Most boring winter ever, freezing spring and now "meh" summer. I'll be in my fields spraying at 5 tomorrow morning.

Harold Asmis said...

Ok, I'm wrong. It's many one-day heatwaves, like UK. I'm feeling the same here, dying, drinking my beer one day, and then work while I freeze. neat.