Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Beaver Chomps Through Hose

 Not the fiber pipe they had up north.  This was a personal attack on me and my water hose.  Stupid beavers!

So, the nasty beaver could have chomped anywhere, and right through.  Then I would have been greeted by a big fountain when I pressurized.  No, this wood-rat delicately chewed, so that there was only a micro-meter of plastic with a hair-sized hole.  To top it off, it made this work of art on the lower section of pipe which is out in the winter, and is under water when I install.

Needless to say, it took weekends of multiple primes (hauling water up 60 feet) when I thought it was the foot valve.  Then it healed itself when the whole plugged with gunk.  Yeah, all fixed!  Today, the whole thing blew and I could see the fountain coming out of the water.  That should be it!

ps. I'm calling it a ransom-ware beaver.  Give me 3 branches and I'll tell you where the leak is.

pps.  and the local wood-duck has decided to make her nest underneath our dock.  Scared the heck out of me when I walked there and she exploded out.  Guess we'll have to put a tape up.


Harold Asmis said...

I had invested in Beaver Security, in the form of my dog, but it's erratic and she likes beavers.

Neil t said...

I've got boar who do the same thing to my irrigation pipes. I also have a useless dog who manages to stay fast asleep whilst I go toe to trotter in the dark. Need a new dog.

Harold Asmis said...

Hear ya. I don't know why we even pay them...