Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Covid-19 ground zero was not the Wuhan wet market

What does it take to evolve the perfect pandemic virus?  

20% must just carry the virus

20% must get really sick to have anybody notice it

10% must die

and who knows what else to get to 100%

There have been many failed virus attempts.  If you have a virus like Ebola, then just one lands on your and you die the next day.  100% instant death rate.  This virus cannot be a pandemic, and only exists for the worst conditions of humanity.

How about a Sars virus that doesn't do anything?  Spreads all over the world and nobody notices it.  No testing, no panic.

The doctors who can't do math think that a perfect virus pops out, and lands like a match in gasoline, right in the middle of a wet market (which is really just a farmer's market).  Perhaps the final product does that, but there have been attempts with the virus before.  If you know your math and physics, then you know this to be true.

We will never know how this virus came into being, since there was no testing, and everything went under the flu banner.  Here is the sequence as supported by a math person.

It was exactly like avian (duck) flu and swine flu, but it popped out of a wild animal.  Lots of humans around handling and slaughtering animals and eating their brains.  A virus pops out, giving a mild headache.  It goes back into the animals.  Nobody notices, since it doesn't meet the criterion of 'human to human' transmission.

The world withdraws from China because of the Trump trade wars.  Nobody in China has money to care about the world.  The next virus pops into a human, but reproduces well, and the virus goes back into more animals.  It finally hits success and becomes human to human.  All the animals are reinfected.  It comes out in human society as a flu, spreads around the world.  Nobody tests.

The animals are pickled with it.  Finally something comes out that meets the top criteria.  People start to notice, testing starts.  All the party-hearty people in flu country have had it.  Only the loners and whiners are left to be tested (and those people who enjoy warm weather).  Huge panic!  La la la.


Penny said...

So are you saying this is the way a virus progresses at all times...
Except mostly know one notices until finally some ONE does?
And that the virus itself is much ado about nothing?

Except that when some ONE noticed, it was decided the time was right for exploitation?
Because the financial payoffs and bailouts are too big and too widespread to have been sheer coincidence- I'm thinking of "never let a serious crisis go to waste"
and nudge theory by Cass Sunstein

"Nudge is a concept in behavioral science, political theory and behavioral economics which proposes positive reinforcement and indirect suggestions as ways to influence the behavior and decision making of groups or individuals"

As part of the crisis exploitation or pandemic exploitation?

Harold Asmis said...

It is never a conspiracy. Conspiracy implies a bunch of Elon Musks around a table with trump. It never happens. This is lazy stupidity by people just going with the flow. There is no 'nudge'. It's just the easy way, or the road most taken. :)

Harold Asmis said...

And so, we, who are always in the Christmas thick of things, have already had it. Except that this one is so contagious and testable that it is leaking out to all those who usually don't have the flu.

Penny said...

Hi Harold:

I hold a different view of conspiracy; the word simply means to breath together
one or more people breathing together

I see many people breathing together- all the Premiers and the PM

The banks particularly the central banks (Canada and US) who have found a friend in Black Rock (Hedge Fund)

The Central Banks have also made a great many coordinated moves, which indicate a breathing together. Coordinated planning. Or conspiracy?

I'm a devotee of the business section- it's most often where the most interesting news is found

But agree that the aspect of stupid lazy people going along plays a role in this mess and these types of decisions being enacted- In fact those that lead count on that very fact, knowing it to be accurate.

Harold Asmis said...

Ha, ha. I would call that 'group think' as with nasa and the shuttle o-rings.

Harold Asmis said...

Group think being defined as all the penguins jostling on a cliff waiting for the first to fall in. If he's not eaten by a tiger shark, then they all jump in. But eventually the tiger sharks realized that you don't eat the first one. :)

Harold Asmis said...

Whoops, tiger seal. ha ha.