Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Ethiopia Day 2

We signed up with a first-class company Exodus, having a Toyota Land Cruiser and our own driver and guide.  We love him and he has saved us many times.  This place is one step below Guatemala in terms of going it alone.  Do not do it.

We stayed at an eco lodge, and hiked to a waterfall, and visited a village who is set up to entertain tourists.  We gave them all sunglasses.

We loved them.  And we went to a waterfall that no tourist goes to.

It was in the original mountain rain forest.

First day, driving down the African roads, I used up all my fear juice.

Cows, goats, people, all over the road.

This is the panorama from the eco lodge.

Now we are in first-class hotel.

ps.  this hotel overlooks the African Rift Valley.

There it is.

pps.  so the sad story of the Swiss girl, who is a travel agent and an experienced traveller in Africa.  She was quite upset that they were being charged the 'white rate'  all the time.  They took the tuk-tuk which is a 3 wheel taxi up to the eco resort, and agreed on a price.  Halfway up this horrible hill that taxed our land cruiser (really horrible) the taxi stopped and demanded more money.

more:  this is the rift panorama

Lake on the left is alkaline, no fish, probably from volcanic springs.  Lake on the right has lots of fish, and we love eating it.

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